Removing IL Categories
1 year ago
North Carolina, USA


Looking through the categories for Pac Land, our full game boards have plenty of activity and our ILs have a noticable lack of activity.

I'd like to ask the community how we feel about these and if we'd like to remove them.

Currently we have 2 IL runs on the board with a 3rd pending approval and that's across all consoles and all trips. So that's an astronomical amount of empty boards.

It's clear the people that take running the game seriously are running 4 trip and 8 trip categories and I don't feel like much would be lost if we dropped the ILs.

Curious as to what others think. If there's a strong argument for keeping them, I'd love to hear it.

Modificato da l'autore 1 year ago

dont remove them

California, USA

Are the only runs on these IL boards from Trip 1, rounds 1-4? If so, that might be better served by a full game-style leaderboard, 1 Trip (4 Rounds). Making it a full game leaderboard might even help it see more action alongside 4 Trips and 8 Trips.

Having a bunch of empty IL boards that haven't seen much action over the course of five years seems needless.

California, USA

Mostly indifferent. Makes sense to clean-up abandoned (or never used in the first place) leaderboards.

Also, with a port, some sort of similarity to the original seems reasonable. Are there any IL arcade submissions?

Maryland, USA

I'm inclined to agree with PeaceEgg here. I don't see anything on any of the Trip 2-8 leaderboards, and I don't personally have any interest in dividing my videos into 8 different 3-minute runs to claim a spot.

There's not a lot on the Trip 1 leaderboards either, and I'm not personally very interested in it, but if we pare it down to 1 Trip/4 Trips/8 Trips then nobody loses anything. I'd be willing to submit a 1 Trip time for TG-16 if we did that, either by taking the first segment of one of my existing runs or by recording a new video.

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