New Boulder Skip
5 years ago
Alberta, Canada

Hey, Sagerz again.

So after finishing getting crystal #1 on Rock level. You can go over to just below crystal 2 and do a clip to get above. This "realistically" can save about 5 seconds if you get it first try but the angle is finnicky. You want to stand on the far left skull, then get an up right angle. Then continue with another slightly more up angle. Then do the classic skip found by Robbie, to skip across the gap, thereby grabbing crystal #3 and making the level super short.

Wolves is still the same as before, but there is another strat i found, which i havent been able to implement in a run yet, as it is a SUPER difficult angle. But basically you can clip up after crystal 2 on the last level. This will save about 6 seconds, if you can get it first try.

Thats about it for now, ill be doing a mechanics video soon for my Youtube followers which should gain some ground for this game. Thanks dudes!

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