Dear SpeedChefs,
since there is now a bit more of competition for certain categories including DLCs, I realized the retiming was done a bit too sloppy in the past using slightly different points to start/stop the timer, which i wanna change so it's a fair environment for everyone.
For 1P runs:
- Timer starts when you pick a new or existing savefile to overwrite
- Full Game runs: Timer stops when you hand in the last dish to the Ever Peckish (OC1) or to the counter in 6-6 (OC2)
- DLC runs: Timer stops at the frame when the transition screen to the scoreboard of the last level happens. If its AllStars%, ofc only if you got all the stars.
For 2P/3P/4P runs:
- Timer starts when the last player of the group has picked his savefile. This can be seen when the bottom right hopping burger/pizza icon appears on screen, leading to the overworld/opening cutscene to be loaded.
- Full Game runs: Timer stops when you hand in the last dish to the Ever Peckish (OC1) or to the counter in 6-6 (OC2)
- DLC runs: Timer stops at the frame when the transition screen to the scoreboard of the last level happens. If its AllStars%, ofc only if you got all the stars.
So if you got some notifications that your runs have been verified again, it's because of this.
This will need a bit time, so I'll try to do what I can over the upcoming Easter days, but please be patient. <3
As I was not aware of an assist mode even existing in the game that helps you with increased burn / level / order timers and gathering more points with your dishes, I just updated the game rules. The usage of Assist Mode is BANNED for the entire duration of the run, for all cate