Orwell Routing Basics and Rationales
Orwell Routing Basics and Rationales
Aggiornato 5 years ago di Archmagus

Some of the biggest ways to save time in this game:

  • Do not upload anything that isn't strictly necessary to the basic route you want to pursue
  • If you need to pick between two conflicts and they don't matter, consider which one fits better with optimizing
  • Minimize the time spent on switching characters, and when you do need to switch characters, do so during conversations with nothing else going on
  • Trigger necessary conversations as quickly as possible and try to get their required chunks as soon as they appear
  • Consider the effects down the line across the whole run
  • When you can, use your downtime to prepare other menus (eg. When you're waiting for Juliet to say Abraham knew Josef, spend the time opening the notable alumni page and scrolling so you can upload the chunk and immediately go to the reader to have the law office chunk visible and ready)
  • There is a small amount of time between an upload and the advisors' reactions. If you were TAS you could possibly upload another chunk in that time, but what is humanly possible is to send single-click events like changing target person or switching between reader/listener/insider

Notable choices:

  • To prevent Cassandra from being in the final phone call, incriminate her with the "confession" to Juliet. You could also flag her as dangerous by uploading her Metharin prescription and its uses, but that makes the interrogation a bit longer as she resists the officer injury accusation and Symes uses the dangerous flag as a backup.
  • Falsely implicate Harrison for the Stelligan occupation. You have to pass by his blog anyway, which is faster than visiting Juliet's timeline to get the real story.
  • Falsely claim a government building is targeted. The interrogation takes some 5-10 seconds longer, but saves time because you skip the phone call where Juliet's mother tells her to evacuate.
  • Let Initiate hack the party web pages. His failure takes longer to get through, and Harrison takes much longer to push Nina into escaping.
  • Flag Nina as dangerous and get her shot as soon as possible. The escape sequence is extremely long.
  • Falsely implicate Josef as supporting Nina. He will be absent from the final conversation.
  • Upload absolutely whatever on day 5, as long as you supply the address, and only the correct address, for Harrison. Day 5 has a lot of data all over the place, so stick to garbage data with as few switches around and character changes as possible to quickly exhaust the 20-chunk limit. Remember the limit does not start until you upload "Thought must gather".
  • After the final phone call, switch to listener, bust into Initiate's PC, and perform the most immoral action of the game by quoting Abraham out of context in the saved protocol. This is by far the fastest ending to get regardless of how you got to the end of the conversation.
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