Basically, the site has been reworked, here I will explain what has been changed.
Era: Each era includes different walkspeed, map versions and different timer. We are working hard to sort each era as best we can, if you find that there is something we haven't noticed, let us know! So don't be discouraged if you see that your current time is exceeded by any of these past eras, as it was different from how we know the game today.
A new era is created when there are notable changes in the game mechanics (new timer, walkspeed, revamped maps, etc.)
Currently for the most recent runs, it corresponds to upgrade to “Current Patch”, where you can find runs from 2024, where the walkspeed differences are minimal or null, and same version of the timer/maps. “Previous Patch” is from the year 2023. (This will not mean that every year a new “Patch” will be created, this decision is taken by the moderation team of the website as they observe the deep changes that okr developers make in the game and that so many influence in the current leaderboard). If in the future, the maps with (*) return to the game, we will not create a new patch, it will remain the current one unless noticeable changes are made to okr and may fluctuate in some way on the leaderboard.
Progress Bar: Due to strong criticism, we have decided to remove this “major skip” system and make it as equitable as possible.
100%: This replaces no major skips, where you can take shortcuts as much as you want but with the condition that you get to 90% or higher in the progress bar, if the run is below that number, it will be catalogued as “Any%” previously called “Major Skips”. We are working as best we can to bring the “major skips” runs to their corresponding eras! Currently only Current Patch major runs are available.
Ignore the fact that in past times there are races that have no progress bar but are cataloged as 100%, at that time by not having progress bar, it was uploaded as “glitchless no major skips” so technically they have an imaginary progress bar if you could say so. Current Patch is the only era that has a progress bar and that is why it is taken into account (maybe in previous patch there is one or another that has reached to have a progress bar).
Glitches/Timer Pause: Due to the large amount of bugs that the game has and has had throughout its history (and also the runs that have been uploaded to the site), we decided to add the “patch” format. Currently any bug that can be done corresponds to the “Unpatched” variable, and, as the name says, patched to those that have been fixed. There is a new category Timer Pause, where you can simply pause your run on a crash to save seconds, but since it is not 100% legitimate, glitches have been allowed in this category (If the pause button is patched or removed, runs that have been moved to this category will be moved to “Patched”. There is also the “Wall Jump Reset” variable found in glitches. This is basically a bug that runs on wall jumps, so it decreases the amount of maps it can be used on, so it is not considered a category for the same reason (if this is fixed it will be moved to patched). Timer delay was (and will be) probably the most broken and rare glitch okr has ever had, as it gave you a huge time advantage. When patched, all timer delay runs were moved to patched. This doesn't mean that all timer delay runs are patched, no, there are also other glitches that were patched but not as exaggerated as timer delay.
Also, moderation has become stricter in order to have a healthy and balanced website.
As for the runs whose videos are not available (from past eras), they will not be removed, as they represent important moments that deserve to be remembered. These runs, and the players who carried them out, although for various reasons are no longer present, have left a legacy that will be preserved on the page. This exception does not affect the current era.
Basically, the site has been reworked, here I will explain what has been changed.
Era: Each era includes different walkspeed, map versions and different timer. We are working hard to sort each era as best we can, if you find that there is something we haven't noticed, let us know! So don't be d