New category?
4 years ago

I think we can a blindfolded category in NSMB.WCE.

Oh_my_gourdness e JacksonSR ti piace questo
Minnesota, USA

Blindfolded is way too difficult of a category in this game to be added (at least, as of right now). I believe the farthest anyone has gotten blindfolded is 5-1.

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness piace questo
Queensland, Australia

Is there any footage? @DiamondcrafterA

Oh_my_gourdness piace questo
Minnesota, USA

I believe Astix was the person who did it so ask him about it.

Oh_my_gourdness e Astix ti piace questo
Basque Country

once i got blinfolded to the checkpoint of 1-1 and get the helicopter in the front blocks, then just fly to the rigth and somehow get to the flag without knowing nothing from there lmao but yeah this game blinfolded seems extremely hard at least for a full game

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness piace questo

Ofc I got to 5-1 blind ;) Sadly its a lie ;(

Oh_my_gourdness e AIien ti piace questo
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