this forum is related to a doordash order
4 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

hammed burger :(

cakejerry, fleur_bleue e 2 Altri ti piace questo

one of dem run 2 da left, BOW BOW shot his ass, den it ricochet of da side thru 2 da headz, up da cealing over da ass up the staircase to the basement, hit da motorcycle causeing explosion boom 3 of dem more die now big boom boom bang da last one die 2 infection

cakejerry e SandwichTiming ti piace questo
New York City, NY, USA

if I could teleport I would just teleport behind mfs with a sandwich and be like "heres your sandwich bro" and then they would be like bruh I didnt order a sandwich but id give it to them anyway and then disappear immediately 😈

cakejerry e bofa_shuckle ti piace questo

one time a guy said he had sandwiches for everybody but when he opened the box there were 12 bricks :(

cakejerry e SandwichTiming ti piace questo
New York City, NY, USA

I remember that one episode of Futurama where Future, the main character ate a persons arm, and honestly, If I ated a persons arm I would say “tastes just like chicken”. cause when you think about it there are not that many steps between a human being and a chicken. like if 4 feet away from eachother thats 2 steps. but im not talking about physical steps im talking more about biological steps. Kodeine Krazy 😈 🗡️ 🦋. if you bring ten socks to the plug he sells you patrick. Jon Dennis👺 . I pour codeine in my pancake mix. FUCK DA WORL 🌎

cakejerry e bofa_shuckle ti piace questo

every time i put codeine in my pancake mix i get really angry and punch my dog. can you give me some tips i have to start my day right but my dog is being held together by superglue :(

cakejerry e SandwichTiming ti piace questo
New York City, NY, USA

Ya know one time I was at a dennys and I was had to take a crazy shit u know like a real fuckin monsta and I ran into the bathroom so quick i didnt even botha to close da fuckin door behind me u know and so I was sitting there just takin this Massive fuckin shit with the door wide open and this 9 year old kid just walked by and started starin so i said "fuck are you lookin at wise guy". that kid grew up to be Barack Obama. but If I had to name my 5 favorite cereals, theyd be captain crunch, frosted chips, rocky road, rocky balboa, and rodney walker. this is all to distract us from the fact that poop is a lie invented by dennys to sell more toilets. I have allowed the prescence of the spirit of the universal consciousness to guide me in my journey through this plane of existence

cakejerry e bofa_shuckle ti piace questo
Basque Country

what the fuck is this thread… im lost XD imagine this being a secret code lol

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