Recording Issue
8 years ago
United States

I don't know where to put this issue, but I figured here would be the best place.

I use OBS to stream games, which works for nearly every game I own, N++ being one of the very few exceptions. Once I started getting into running the game, I wanted to find a way to stream or record my runs so I could actually submit them. I've downloaded a few other recording/streaming devices such as XSplit, and none of them seem to work. The game always crashes every time I start streaming or recording. This leads me to believe that N++ is the issue. Any ideas?

Super moderatoreMolentum
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

I haven't had this problem, nor have I heard of anyone else having it. The only thing I can think of suggesting is to check that your video card drivers are up to date. Our community discord (link in the relevant thread on this forum) has a #support channel for stuff like this, maybe someone will be able to help you there.

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