I would like to do an attemp on this game but I have some troubles:
Do you accept others language than english? In my case I will run the game in Italian for the entire run.
Is it possible to download the split for every race?
Thank in advance
I have a few questions.
- Why do we have to show the Performance Screen?
- Can we use any car in the game including the ones that we unlock like Eddie's Skyline? Or, Melissa's 350z?
- To make sure that the run is valid and not cheated.
- Yes, even though these cars are slower, then if you would tune them normally.
Hello, I have a few questions:
I can't set my speedrun timer in the game, what can I do ?
I can't put nfs in windowed mode, would this solve my speedrun timer problem ?
A timer is not required, but recommended. If you don’t use the timer you won’t have the loadless timer either. You can use steam or a program to make the game windowed.
Another question about this game. With the Wide Screen Fix/Patch. I can run this game in the right Resolution and fix the settings also? Cause, I seem to have a problem loading up the game sometimes. And, the Controller prompts are very broken sometimes also. But, my biggest concern is the Widescreen Fix/Patch. Is it going to help me run the game faster or more smoother? I just want to know. Cause, I want to try to Speedrun this game or IL Runs on the PC.
- Yes
- It will not make the game run faster or "smoother" per se, but it will improve the experience for the most part.
Okay. Got it. And, what about the settings also? Can that be a factor for the game also? Plus, how can I apply the Widescreen Patch for the game?
You can download it here: https://www.speedrun.com/nfsu/resources/b1xg0 Extract this into your game-folder and adjust the NFSUnderground.WidescreenFix.ini to make sure the resolutions matches your monitor resolution
Okay. And, how can you setup Splits if you are wanting to an IL Stage Run? @ICarterI
How do you put in the Legacy Widescreen Patch and the 100% Save with the 8 Unique Combinations to the game for PC? That is something that I want to know before I can try this game sometime in the future.
I mentioned in my previous post how to apply the widescreen patch.
And for the savegame, there is a readme file in .zip, which explains how you can install that.
I got that. And, how do you add the Kick Start Application for the game also? I am a little confused for that also.
Update: Due to not complying with a request from rx to open source Kickstart, it has now been formally taken down from nfsmods.xyz with the stated reason for this being a refusal to comply with requests to open-source suspicious code.