[quote]Time starts upon hitting space to start the first level
Time ends upon completing the last main level
Time is counted as the combined sum of all levels completed[/quote]
timing should be real time as there is gameplay between levels and i believe timing should start on making a new file. the rules here dont make it clear if this is a normal ng category or a "do timetrials of all levels in a row" category. id say we should add the game time column for those interested in comparing igt.
I would prefer not to have to start a new file - skipping through cutscenes and watching level completion animations adds a lot of tedium to the run. If you play on a completed save then you can just go through all the levels in order.
RTA should definitely be used instead of IGT to prevent excessive pausing during gameplay.
Personally, I think it would be fairer to make IGT the main timing method so that people with worse PCs don't have a disadvantage due to longer load times. Pause abuse can easily be moderated/banned. Plenty of PC speedrunning communities use IGT and have ways of discouraging pause abuse.
I do agree that completed file should be allowed; however, it would also be cool to have a fresh file option as a subcategory for those who would prefer it.
Also, I'm not sure if the mods have thought about this already but it should probably be added to the rules that skipping levels is banned, cause you can skip levels when playing from an existing file and some people might try to abuse that if they mess up a level and hope they don't get caught.
[quote]should probably be added to the rules that skipping levels is banned[/quote] the category name implies that you play trough ALL levels (but the sidequest one) so putting in the rules is not needed. also it being in the rules doesnt stop people from trying to cheat
and sidenote with the timing rules i still think what my og post said would be the best and for the loads i was thinking we should make a load remover which i tried by looking at the code but either im dumb or the code just doesnt allow that method of creating autosplitters. i also had asked the devs if they could make simple values we could use for an autosplitter but they declined my request :(
Hopefully there will be some way to remove loads in autosplitter in the future. It's still early and the full game hasn't released yet so I have hope.
I did briefly investigate the possibility of removing load times in the autosplitter, but I was not able to figure it out quickly. Once the game is fully released I can look into adding this functionality to the autosplitter. I agree that load removal would be a big improvement.