Proposing a change to categories
6 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I don't believe the current categories make a lot of sense for the game. The categories don't take any of the game's mechanics in to consideration. I propose including the following when determining the categories:

The game has multiple difficulty levels depending on what level overseer you have beaten. (Overseer V1, V2, V3...etc.) You can change the difficulty at will.

You can upgrade your character to 100 by default, and much further with considerable work.

You can select a weapon, upgrade, and ability to start the game with. More abilities and stronger weapons at higher overseer levels.

The game has a different number of floors depending of the difficulty. Overseer V1 has 25 floors, while Overseer V2 has more.

Taking this in to consideration, I believe the categories should be remade as: Overseer 1, No Upgrades, Glitchless Overseer 1, 100 Stats, Glitchless

With the rules that after every run the mod menu must be shown after to show no mods are active (On PC).

Possibly add higher overseer levels if someone would like. Allow ability, upgrade, and gun selection for each of these because no one wants to reset until they get a good combo. I can also add a save file with most things unlocked and 100 in every stat if anyone is interested.

I know a lot of people don't speedrun this game but I find it very fun and want the categories to more appropriately fit the game.

California, USA

Will do, idk if i should add separate categories for all the console since this gane pretty much runs on all newer consoles

Pennsylvania, USA

Yeah I don't think console categories are really necessary.

California, USA

All right ill tell you when the change is done

California, USA

sorry it took so long to do so little i got side tracked

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