New categories
4 years ago
Illinois, USA

As you may have seen, we have changed some of the leaderboard. Some of the new things include: and are now allowed but in their own misc. categories and an autoclicker is allowed in its own category for coolmathgames (cmg).

Oh_my_gourdness, Cookie1284 e 3 Altri ti piace questo
Charlotte, NC, USA

Ok thank you very much for clarifying! I will make sure to submit my runs to the category only, as that is the website I play on. I really like the new categories so thanks for making them!

Virginia, USA

No problem, our main goal is to encourage new people to play.

Statistiche del gioco
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New Recording Rule

As of July 23rd, 2024, All top 3 runs (including level runs) must show the ENTIRE run

This applies to all games in the series

Runs without video submitted before this date will stay on the leaderboard

7 months ago
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