I was very determined to get sub-2 hours. So determined, that this run comes from a 16 hour stream. It was worth it in the end since I managed my goal!
Note for Moderation: Seed shown at 2:08:05. Seed is 3507916802702648392. At 2:09:45 I show all my F3 without any of my overlay covering it (when on, my overlay only covers a little of the bottom left side).
Minecraft speedrunning has been really fun to watch and learn. I'm absolutely not going to be getting low times, I think at most I could maybe scrape sub-hour with a really lucky run. I learnt a bunch from this run that could help me on the next journey to sub-1:30:00, though. I pretty much need: quicker nether entry, quicker gold trading, quicker stronghold finding and quicker dragon beating. It's doable!
# | Nome | Split | Terminato il |
1 | Enter Nether (Lava Pool/Portal) | 23m 51s 379ms | 23m 51s 379ms |
2 | 16 Ender Pearls (Piglins/Bastion) | 6m 53s 668ms | 30m 45s 047ms |
3 | Find Nether Fortress Oro | 6m 30s 647ms | 37m 15s 694ms |
4 | 8+ Blaze Rods | 27m 11s 167ms | 1h 04m 26s 861ms |
5 | Find Stronghold | 18m 40s 493ms | 1h 23m 07s 354ms |
6 | Find End Portal | 7m 47s 233ms | 1h 30m 54s 587ms |
7 | Beat Dragon (WIN!) Oro | 30m 45s 557ms | 2h 01m 40s 144ms |
(1.6.4-1.15.2 & 1.16.5-1.21.4) Atum 1.3.1: Shows starting difficulty in F3 in 1.16.5+, removes formatting sequences in hotkey names in 1.7-1.8.9 (will reset hotkeys), ports to 1.13(.0) and 1.20.1
(1.17-1.21.4) Planfolia 1.2.0: Cleans up Sodium debug text, port to