Dream finally admits to cheating
3 years ago

@CLandusH You say you aren't a dream fan, yet your YT channel links to dream as a "cool person u should sub to"

Like Dream, like Stan.

Ivory piace questo
French Southern Territories

hi can we please stop talking about dream already its been months just let it go

Ivory, Karl_Maks e 2 Altri ti piace questo
French Southern Territories

Look, I get that this time Dream himself revived the discussion, not some random. I get that there is discussion about whether or not he "cheated." But really, I don't give a shit if it was intentional or not. I don't care who started the conversation. All I care is that the runs were illegitimate, and the issue is resolved. It's incredibly frustrating to see people argue about dream all the time. I wish I could enjoy mc speedrunning without people bringing up dream every few days.

Ivory, Karl_Maks e 3 Altri ti piace questo
United States

@GUEN, you gotta love his manhunt vids. Im not a stan btw but yeah be a child if you wanna call me a stan :)

Gaming_64, Ivory e 5 Altri ti piace questo
French Southern Territories

@CLandusH yeah, I'll never understand why being a fan of a youtuber is a bad thing, unless its a scumbag human youtuber like jake paul or something. I really hope that all the ACTUAL 10 year olds in this forum don't convince you that you're invalid because you watch dream.

On another note, I'll never understand the people who blindly defend dream like SSG yeetboi. Dream literally admitted to his runs being illegitimate. There is no arguing that. "Dream stans" like to say that the bad people are only a minority of the fanbase. That's true, but a minority of 20 million is a lot.

Modificato da l'autore 3 years ago
Ivory, O.D.W. e 5 Altri ti piace questo
Basque Country

okey cool that he confess now everybody knows the truth and all of that stuff happy yupiyay i guess now we can stop the spam everywhere about dream´s cheated run of people complaining about it and thats just the best i get from this

Ivory, Jaka_TDC e 2 Altri ti piace questo
Oregon, USA

im saying im a dream fan but i still think he cheated

Ivory piace questo
United States


Gaming_64, Ivory e 3 Altri ti piace questo

he's coming


Ivory, Cookie1284 e 6 Altri ti piace questo
Ayr, Scotland
Any/All, He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
3 years ago

end thread

Ivory, O.D.W. e 6 Altri ti piace questo


Ivory, Cookie1284 e 2 Altri ti piace questo
Nottinghamshire, England

Did you know Lamp is made of 100% pure Lamp?

Ivory, landus e 4 Altri ti piace questo
United States

Can you guys fricken close this thread and ban any discussion of Dream, it doesnt matter

Ivory, MinecraftGaming e 5 Altri ti piace questo
California, USA

I agree with ending it. People have already made up their minds, and can/will just continue to formulate any opinions and there's not much to do that can change that. This drama is basically over now (hopefully,) and Dream and Geosquare are on good terms again. Let's move on pls

Ivory, Karl_Maks e 2 Altri ti piace questo
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

dont care about this thread

he coming https://i.imgur.com/sNfjwyX.png

Ivory piace questo
Aberdeen, Scotland

fuck off with the 'he's coming' bollocks. I wish Dream discussion was banned... Mods, can you please lock this thread? Thanks.

Ivory e Karl_Maks ti piace questo
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

just wanted to meme before it gets locked 😭

Modificato da l'autore 3 years ago
Ivory piace questo
Bangkok, Thailand

Conclusion: Dream cheated and the mods were correct. Period. Now Lock this post.

Ivory, KingLavaCactus e 3 Altri ti piace questo

There's no legitimate reason to lock this thread (other than you spamming it and intentionally trying to derail it). It's a pretty big topic to this board.

If you just stopped spamming it with irrelevant nonsense and nobody else had anything of value to add any longer, it would fall to the bottom of the forum. If you don't care about the topic, don't click on it. Nobody is forcing you to read every single post on the forum.

Modificato da l'autore 3 years ago
Ivory, Karl_Maks, e Owfi ti piace questo
Basque Country

the same Dream will realice of what happened, if he doesnt say anywhere that post is false then he say it legitimately there is not a lot more to say agree with @CLandusH and @LukeSaward this is just a bug in the butt after 7 months lol

Ivory, Owfi e 2 Altri ti piace questo