Pubblicato 3 months ago di

Hello there gamers

So due to some concerns in the community about Emulators possibly being used to attempt cheated runs we decided after talking with other runners to increase the strictness of runs done on emulator as a hope to kurb possible cheating so we added the following rules for Individual Levels only

From the 20th of February 2024 all runs done on emulator for IL categories have to Follow all of the following: • Live play only This means no using replays after getting your final time as proof of your gameplay • An FPS counter should be visible and the FPS should be no more than 30 • No excessive lag spikes emu can occasionally lag* but too many lag spikes will be treated as using the slowdown tool in dolphin • The quality should not be above 1080p this may change if the quality does a significant change to the game

*Will be reviewed on a case by case basis

These rules Will be applied for all future runs that are submitted on EMU all previous runs done on emu will be left alone for leaderboard legitimacy and history of course

Also the EMU rules are still possible to be updated as time goes on and more is known we hope you all understand these rules and we will be looking to seeing all your runs in the future

If you have any issues with these rules don't be afraid to join the M&S series Speedrun discord and bring up your concerns in the appropriate channel for this game of course and can discuss things there

For now gamers enjoy the game and hope to see some more PBs soon

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Pubblicato 8 months ago di

Hello there gamers after talking with some community members and discussing it with other mods we have decided to add Win All Events to the leaderboards

For now it shall remain under the misc. categories unless we see some real traction with the category then we will move it to the main leaderboards for runners to see

It has been added as a separate category for now as there is many differences with the actual category itself over the "All Events" category mainly winning them requiring a entire different ruleset due to the winning part of the category

I hope you all enjoy the new category and hope to see some of you runners winning some events real soon

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New EMU IL rules

Hello there gamers

So due to some concerns in the community about Emulators possibly being used to attempt cheated runs we decided after talking with other runners to increase the strictness of runs done on emulator as a hope to kurb possible cheating so we added the following rules for Individual

3 months ago
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