Cutscene skip
8 years ago
South Holland, Netherlands

@defqon_Jan, never ever have I stated that it is a replay run. However, the only way found to skip cutscenes is by having those cutscenes played already. This so means that he played the level till almost the end, went to the leaky cauldron and restarted the story. Just the idea that you need a set up like that makes me feel it is not NG anymore but NG+. It's not a glitch nor is it a strat you execute during the run. It all happens before the run.

WiiSuper, OmegaFallon, e PsychoWren ti piace questo
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

sry my bad. just thought u were meaning this by saying "He really just replays the level." but nvm

"level till almost the end": does it make any difference, if the level is cancelled directly at the beginning or after further progress inside of the level? and i think u mean not only one level but all of the levels for this year, right? then my question again is: why does he have to do all the hogwarts stuff all over again?

WiiSuper piace questo
South Holland, Netherlands

The reason why he still has to do all Hogwarts stuff again is because he is still doing Storymode. How he is able to skip the cutscenes in the first level of the 6th year is that he already played through the level but quit it before its completed. The save file has already seen those cutscenes that way so you are able to skip it.

Reason why I am against it is because all the stuff you need to have done before the run starts. Storymode is a NG speedrun, not a NG+ speedrun. That's where Replay and Freeplay come in.

WiiSuper, OmegaFallon, e PsychoWren ti piace questo

I went through the same confusion with 1-4, but luckily was able to beat those times regardless ;). But it would be interesting to know how you got a save file which allows the first cut-scene to get skipped.

WiiSuper e OmegaFallon ti piace questo
South Holland, Netherlands

ThinksTheClown, if you look at the save files I put in the resources section, those are set up to skip the first cutscene.

But now knowing it is more then just that cutscene it makes me kind of against it since there is a good 8 minutes at least to set it up and that is all before the time starts.

If it was an actual glitch or legit way to go through it I would be okay with it, but since you need to set it up buy playing parts of the game beforehand it makes it a NG+ category which Storytime isn't.

WiiSuper e OmegaFallon ti piace questo
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

alright, i see. just thought ThinksTheClown ("Uh...FinnGamer skipped more than just the first cutscene, but the second and third also.") meant the levels 2 and 3 instead of the cutscenes of the 2nd/3rd part of level 1

then of course i agree with you! there are other categories for skipping the "unnecessary" non-play-parts :)

WiiSuper piace questo
South Holland, Netherlands

Oh, now I do understand you.

But yeah, unless we find a way to skip the cutscenes during the run because of a glitch or strat I do not think it should be allowed.

WiiSuper e OmegaFallon ti piace questo
South Holland, Netherlands

Alright, so I guess the new rule is: "Cutscenes can not be skipped unless you do something (Glitch or strat) during the run."?

If so, I will make the saves up to date where the cutscene skip is not included anymore.

WiiSuper e OmegaFallon ti piace questo
New Jersey, USA

Yeah that's the rule basically.

WiiSuper piace questo
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