Requesting that the current moderation team be removed from their positions
4 years ago
New York, USA

The moderation staff of this leaderboard have shown that they are incapable of moderating this game adequately, along with showing they lack knowledge of how this game works. Those who agree with this, please respond below.

The following document is a shortened list of reasons why the moderators need to be removed.

The bullet point list at the bottom of the document are the specific reasons why we would like this change to occur.

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
ChiliRaider, PopsStone, e SaltyNic ti piace questo
South Holland, Netherlands

yeah, they dont care about the game at all, they only mod because they are mods for lb1, so its obvious they are for this game, but they do not care one bit about actually moderating the game, so i hope the game could get actual mods who are willing to do something for this game

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
Raleigh, NC, USA

Can you actually stop

AnAnonymousSource piace questo
Indiana, USA

@Lavafang407, do you feel alienated from this vote buddy?

New York, USA

Lavafang was not listed as eligible on the eligibility document.

Raleigh, NC, USA

Look man I think you should probably think this all through, there’s way too many holes in your logic here, I’ve done 3 runs all before the deadline if you actually check the submission date one of which was an any% run. Lava is one of the most active community members and is scarcely involved with this game, we all know him personally and I can assure you he wasn’t alienated. There is no need for us to go through and explain why everything is wrong here, I just highly recommend that you do some research and try to approach the situation objectively instead of pointing fingers and throwing accusations around.

AnAnonymousSource, DaHamster e 6 Altri ti piace questo

you have my support fatt

NuttPack e Fatt ti piace questo
Cedar Park, TX, USA

can i do an english paper on this arguement

Zacc e Snolid_Ice ti piace questo
New York, USA

I think its a good idea i stand by it

Fatt piace questo
South Holland, Netherlands

also another argument, for a long time i did not have any way of contacting me listed on src and wasnt in the discord, if i werent informed by my friend fatt, there is no way i would've known about the whole situation, the only way the could contact me is to ask someone if they know my discord or something, and i know that these mods would never do that, they dont care enough to take 5 minutes for something like that, thus they should be removed.

Fatt piace questo
Oklahoma, USA

I won’t volunteer to be super mod but if it has to be done it has to be done

FlamingLazer, Fatt e 4 Altri ti piace questo
New York, USA

NuttPak isnt my alt, his name is JwC. Hes also signed his name on the 'Letter to' document. Its him, lol.

New York, USA

Also Zacc, thank you for falsely accusing me of making an alt! Much appreciated.

Raleigh, NC, USA

Why would someone who has never run the game and did not have an src account and never joined the discord sign the document? Are you considering him part of the community because that seems like you’re just trying to get your friends to side with you


Just like you said yourself, JwC has no need to insert himself into the situation as he's not part of the community by your definition.

__LoS_, eroadhouse, e Zacc ti piace questo
New York, USA

JWC has been part of this since myself and Rift began researching this game. If Los can join the eligibility vote, than JWC can voice his opinion here.

New York, USA

I wont be commenting further on this forum post. Have fun making conspiracies guys!

New York, USA

im not an alt btw if you don't want to believe me its fine but i'm not lol

Raleigh, NC, USA

Not once has this jwc person shown any work he’s put into either growing the game or researching it. The difference is that los has found many of the skips that are now commonplace and has proved it by being active in the discord with such evidence. There’s no way that jwc can claim to have found anything unless he shared it


"It's important to note that we very reasonably consider the Lego Batman 2 community to be anyone who's ever run the game, past or present" This is your definition of community, but we did not agree with such a definition because it doesn't include someone like LoS, who is actually part of this game's community and his contributions can be easily found in the Discord in #dc_super_heroes if you scroll up and see his messages as far back as 2019, which include skips like "Mr. Freeze skip" as you coin it, found in 20/9/2019.

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
__LoS_ piace questo
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