Instrument cutscene skip possible set-up?
9 years ago
California, USA

Hey all, here's a potential set up for ICS. It seems as though LA buffers commands differently depending on how you leave the S+Q screen. Basically what I'm doing is buffering B+Map+Left in quick succession as the screen is white-ing out of the S+Q menu. It seems vital that the map and left buttons are pressed ¤during¤ the white-out. The method relies on Link's tile placement (which is a bit wonky across instruments, so I figured I'd document the D4 room first...because of reasons.... :P), as well as the 'rhythm' you input the commands.

I don't have a program to show my inputs, so I'll look into that to provide further clarity.

This is still super shaky, but as long as it's documented I figure this could be of use.

Bretagne, France

Soooo how consistent is this?

If you wanna show inputs you simply can use Bizhawk as an emulator, although you'd have to do all the game again :P

Also if you wanna see different ICS methods here is one and here is another one (note that in the ocarina ICS, there's a visual cue to get one pixel away from the instrument).


On a side note for controller inputs you can use Padlight :)

California, USA

Thanks for the links, Aulos. It seems like this method is just a modification of the one in Flynn's video, as they have similar success rates (about 60/40). The positioning in my video is riskier because it doesn't leave any room for failure, and the outcome seems to be somewhat RNG based (although a part of me wants to believe that the RNG can be manipulated through inputs/timing). I'll definitely keep working on this.

In retrospect, I don't think I tested this method enough before drawing conclusions.

For more reference here's the same thing on Bizhawk. Sorry for the poor quality, but hopefully you can sort of get an idea for my timing. I'm also curious whether or not the 'red' frames have anything to do with the outcome. They only occur during the transition periods, so this could be a factor.

Bretagne, France

The fact that you use the same savestate over and over could also affect the consistency couldn't it? Maybe here, your chance of success is high but in another save it is not?

And have you tried with other instruments?

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