8 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Update on the Leaderboard:

  1. I moved True Ending to Misc. I did not remove it, but I don;t want the main boards too cluttered and since we have other Misc. categories now it fits nicely. [I made this category originally to, so not stepping on any toes moving it.]

  2. Added Classic%. Because Classic mode is a different thing, it's own game, ergo, should be it's own category.

NinjaNas piace questo
United States

I don't you should put True Ending to misc, 5 categories aren't really much of a clutter, many leaderboards have many categories. Misc should be used for a catergory that fits in all categories in the leaderboard like snowman%. Also misc is hidden for people and the new people who wants to run the game won't know about the catergories so you should try to show the catergories if you can. A good example of this the Escapist leaderboard.

TheGlitched64 piace questo
United States

I just ran classic% now I'm just waiting for you to post your run. Gotta make sure its a world record. :D But it is true the Story All Challenges is misc because it can be done in all categories.

United States

Also here is a full screen version of L2F2 Its much easier to record than Kongregate.

United States

So Snowman% is a category but Story All Challenges can fit in all categories because classic mode still has challenges but they are a little different from story.

United States

Yes all Story All Challenge is, is finishing all the challenges in the challenge menu for that gamemode.

United States

:( I checked and I almost got all the challenges for Story All Challenge expect Bounce 2 in classic.

United States like this the misc are in the top and the categories are on the side.

United States

In order for this to work each misc needs to work in each category.

United States

Story All Challenge is where you collect all challenges in a game mode such as Story or Classic. Since Story and Classic has challenges, Story All Challenges is achievable in both. Even though one has more challenges than the other, Story All Challenges is still possible. As I said Story All Challenges is a misc which is on top here and the categories on the side are Classic and Story which allow there to be different times in Classic Story All Challenges and Story Story All Challenges. I gtg bye.

United States

The mods have the power to submit the runs without the person's submission before hand so copy and paste the all the runs details like the runner, video link, and comment to a notepad then once the leaderboard is finished replace all the runs by copying and pasting them and resubmitting them. I had to do that because many of the glitchless runs fit in the any% category so I had to copy and paste the runs from glitchless to any%.

United States

Btw I don't think you should be allowed to stop the timer glitchless% all categories due to most speed runs don't let you to stop the timers otherwise there is a game time and a real time. Also you spelt Cutscenes wrong in the rules.

TheGlitched64 piace questo
Victoria, Australia

I agree with this, changed and fixed, as I agree that there is no reason to pause the timer.

NinjaNas piace questo
United States

Cutscenes is still spelt wrong in all both all challenges and both story% catergories.

United States

Going after your records also. I need to reclaim my throne! :D

Modificato da l'autore 8 years ago
United States

Mainly story glitchless and classic again. :P

United States

Nascar127 is my twitch also I already beat your classic and i'm going for true ending now.

Modificato da l'autore 8 years ago
United States

Also once you do a true ending run and you do it again the cutscene for it won't show. In order for the cutscene to happen you need to clear your data, which means grinding back all the bp shop items. Can we agree that the True Ending run timer stops when the distance from the wall says zero?

United States

Lol I cannot beat your story% run my pb is 5:08. Tell me your secrets!!

United States

I read your guide thats how I got to 5:08 I just can't get any faster than that.

Modificato da
8 years ago
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