Theoretical New Glitch

So, I was doing my fist casual playthrough of The Arena(SNES version). And every time I beat a boss I would mash B in the fadeout. One time I did this, I saw Kirby leaving on the warp star before the fadeout was finished. Can somebody investigate with a TAS, or in some other way, to find out why this happened. I think, if it comes to be actually useful, it could shave off milliseconds or even seconds in a full Arena TAS, since it's probably frame perfect. But.... It could mean nothing stemming from the fact that I did this on SNES Online service on Switch. Let me know what this could mean. If it even means anything...

ckellyspeedruns piace questo
New York City, NY, USA

If you are able to replicate the glitch somehow, please send us a video (the switch has a built in capture feature!!) I will probably experiment with a TAS later but if it is frame perfect it may not be practical if the trick is possible on SNES

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago

Ok. I don't know how to make a TAS. How do you?

I think you are being asked to provide a video of you performing it, hence the switch capture being mentioned.

While you are doing this, I would pay very careful attention and see if you really are already on the warp star before you technically are supposed to have control (and take advantage of the rewind feature if it makes it easier to tell). It's possible that you just jumped as soon as the intermission screen faded in, in which case the IGT would not be affected.

New York City, NY, USA

This^ it would theoretically only be useful for RTA runs (maybe saving like a second so it may not even be worth it) but even then, I just tested now and mashing B does not seem to do anything. Please send video proof if you are able to recreate the glitch again

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