I was wondering if you could perhaps make a new category of the version specifically on Newgrounds. It's the most updated version there is, and that's the one I run.
sorry to everyone that i have disappointed over the years. my life has been hectic as hell for multiple years and i never got to fully set a groundwork for a leaderboard. I had never been a moderator or really realized what was going on when i initially made this board for my side project before hand. I am finally somewhat settled into a stable living environment and will try to atone and ressurect this page. I hadn't anticipated multiple people interested in running and I am honestly touched. I will verify all of the runs and appoint new mods as well as potentially look into cleaning up these boards. I apologize again for the severity of this silence.
Guys, there will be new categories soon I guarantee, but for now, be patient and wait for new categories to appear, there will be a lot of categories so that you enjoy this game, thanks for reading this, but for now, good luck to you!
A handful of odd ideas were put up, such as an undefined "no secret exits" category and a "low %" (no special shells, no fireflower or feather) type of stuff, but I'm doubtful these are different enough to keep for longevity. If interest arises, I can consider readding them in the future.