Category Suggestions
4 years ago
Raleigh, NC, USA

Post any category suggestions (new categories/changes to existing categories) here.

Baltimore, MD, USA


basically the goal is to get the fairy soul behind the wall in the mines by the npc walter, which you need to get walter's tnt to get to. that tnt is 5000 coins. in my experience, it's a 20 - 25 minute run atm

Ivory, CreatorCreepy, e zir0nic ti piace questo
New Zealand


You have to get to netherrack 3 once you do you finish it

Czech Republic
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Get foraging 5 then go the highest in the park

United States

Obsidian% Self-explanatory, try to get a piece of obsidian as quickly as possible.

nsla piace questo
United States

Category Extension for Obtain Diamond - Co-op

Obtain a diamond on a co-op profile. This extension would require teamwork, and different players branching out for different things, adding an interesting twist to the obtain diamond category.

MrSqueeg e nsla ti piace questo
Mississippi, USA

I think sub-categories for all unlocks would be a good idea. For example, you can collect all of the wood types, or all of the mining collections. Me and my two friends thought this would be an interesting category, and faster than all unlocks, (which currently has no runs).

Ivory, JohnIsAGuy, e nsla ti piace questo

100k coins speedrun - no auction/with auction

You grind to 100k coins as fast as possible. When you have 100k coins the timer stops. Might be too boring but oh well

Ontario, Canada
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

All Fairy Souls: Timing begins on /hub, timing ends after the chat message for collecting the last soul pops up. Can be from an existing profile. The 5 in Jerry's Workshop are not required because of their exclusivity to IRL times.

JohnIsAGuy, nsla, e Tonhoy ti piace questo
New York, USA

All Unlocks No End Stone

Getting Combat Level 12 is a huge catalyst in the run, and my friends and I couldn't find a way to do it without it taking over 2 hours of mindlessly farming mobs for Combat XP. Unless someone can find a way to do it in a reasonable amount of time, All Unlocks No End Stone I feel is gonna be needed.

Ivory, CreatorCreepy e 2 Altri ti piace questo
Raleigh, NC, USA

All Unlocks now has 2 sub-categories, No Endstone% and 100%.

Individual levels of all unlocks has also been added. NOTE: End stone is not required for this as well.

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
Tennessee, USA

Get one million coins without the AH and only the Bazaar if you can unlock it. If one million coins is too much, it could be less but I'm sure this community is up to the challenge.

Seattle, WA, USA
Cancellato da l'autore

Obtain Undead Sword Glitchless

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Unlock Bazaar. The skill requirements arent that high so I think its a resonable run

Fq_A, Ivory e 2 Altri ti piace questo
Skåne, Sweden

im suprised no one has mentioned this but what about races from a new profile. This would make the category not as p2w

Mcguy215 e JohnIsAGuy ti piace questo
New Zealand

Reverent Tier 1%

you have to beat one Reverent Tier 1 and once their dead time stops

BroodFather Tier 1%

you have to beat one BroodFather Tier 1 and once their dead time stops

Sven Tier 1%

you have to beat one Sven Tier 1% and once their dead time stops

Madox Tier 1%

Beat all tier 1 bosses so Reverent Tier 1, BroodFather Tier 1 and Sven Tier 1

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
ProBotGamming piace questo
United States

Dragon run get fragments from any kind of dragon you dont have to place any eyes only do enough damage to get at least one frag

Statistiche del gioco
Ultime notizie
Brand new category: Dwarven Mines%

Hello! ?

  • After making the category suggestion in the discord channel for feedback, it seemed like the most of you thought this new category could be interesting so we've decided to add it! bringing you all the brand new category!

  • Dwarven Mines%

  • Ironman DM% (SUBCATEGORY)

  • Dwarven Min

1 year ago
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