Crit's new time
7 years ago
Illinois, USA

He started the timer too late making it not the WR, I'm gonna do a frame by frame time when I get home, but what I noticed it look to be a 11.67 run.

Illinois, USA

ya :( very sad news, but im 90 percent sure that it is not the WR. Ill upload a frame by frame video with the correct time.

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Yeah, Chair Grab appears at 0.100 in Cr1tikal's video and at 0.388 in LowFlyingGoat's video. The timer also starts way after the first movement in Cr1tikal's video, while the first movement begins at 0.250 in LowFlyingGoat's video. Unless they use some very odd indicator for starting the run, both of them seem to be somewhat off, with Crit's timer starting like 0.2s too late and LowFlyingGoat's timer starting 0.25s too early.

I didn't check when the timers end, maybe that makes up for the initial errors again.

It seems like this game really needs an Auto Splitter. I would try to implement one, but I don't have the game and don't plan on buying it just for that, so maybe someone else can write an auto splitter.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
Illinois, USA

na auto splitters are unreliable and easily manipulated

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

It's not about you needing to rely entirely on them, so the fact that you can manipulate them, doesn't matter at all. However it would be extremely accurate. Maybe not as accurate as counting frames, but it seems like even when counting frames, there are errors in the leaderboards by up to 0.6s between LowFlyingGoat's time and Cr1tikal's time. An Auto Splitter would be more convenient to use and be way more accurate than that. And the manipulation point doesn't matter, as you don't need to 100% rely on it, you can still count frames to verify the actual times when necessary (like here).

Anyways, Cr1t's timer seems to be off by -14/30s, while LFG's timer seems to be off by +0.25s, so we would end up at LFG's time being a 11.407 and Cr1tikal's time being a 12.044

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
Jmak piace questo
Illinois, USA

here ya go people

Mod update his time, it's sadly not the WR

Rmac524, CapitaineToinon e 2 Altri ti piace questo
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Also update LFG's time, it's definitely at least off by 0.25s. You can see that he begins to move when the timer hits 0.250. So you can just subtract the 0.250 from his time. Btw you can press the . and , key on your keyboard to frame advance or go back a frame on Youtube to verify.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
Jmak e Slevanas ti piace questo
Illinois, USA

oh ya LFG's time is much faster

Super moderatoreSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Okay thanks guys for bringing this up as I made the changes.

Jmak piace questo
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