First world record in Gym class!!
Improvement by level
Gym Jam:
I could have kept my speed better if I jumped off the white board instead of running into it.
When I jumped down to the grind rail I usually am at +8.00 or more speed this one was pretty slow.
Trampoline Trouble:
I could have turned around after to get onto the block in the second room.
I didn’t get a speed boost of the rock in the third room.
Livin’ on the Ledge:
Really good over all probably my second best level I could have gotten a faster boost on the rock I sometimes get speeds of +1.20 from it.
Surfing Surfaces:
I don’t have any problems with this one I know I could jump off the block in the second room but I can’t get that consistently. But besides that I could have taken tighter lines in some place but definitely my most clean and best level.
Pole Vault:
In the first room I was trying to jump on the platform to the right and jump onto the rock but missed so I just had to jump up normally.
I could have jumped up on the farther side of the pole in the second room. But I have lost a bunch of run to that so I decided to take that safe route.
I got stuck on the pole in the third room for a bit and I did not get the speed boost off of hitting my head on the swing.
Chase your Sister:
I did not get the boost of the tables that where on their sides.
I also did not get the boost off of hitting my head on the edge of the backpack hangers.
Final words:
I have spent over three months on and off trying to get this run and I finally got it. I am super proud of it I know their is still a lot I can improve on but I am not willing to at the moment until someone beats my time.