There's a few suggestions I'd like to make regarding run categories. Seeing as the mobile any% is starting to get a little more competitive, I think it'd be a good idea to implement more categories / sub-categories.
First and foremost, I think that across the board, milliseconds should be counted in the final time, since things are getting pretty optimized.
Newer versions of Hard Time restrict the customization of your character behind a paywall, effectively making it a game of chance before the run even begins for getting a character with good stats. The only workarounds to this are to either pay for the premium version of the game, or dig through seedy APK sites to get an earlier version of the game, so I believe there should be two seperate categories for both randomized runs and customized runs. Speaking of which:
Inherit Universe and Restore Default should have their own categories too, as Inherit Universe does exactly what it says, and saves the game's state between characters. In other words, if you move objects to certain locations or kill off NPC's on one save, those changes will carry over into new save files, and by extension, new runs. You could think of it as a sort of "New Game+" in how it works.
Just found out that the 2D mobile version also has a version on Steam, and if that's the case, I think it'd be a good idea to rename the "Any% Mobile" category to "Any% 2D", and have the mobile version of the game as a sub-category / platform
Milliseconds have been turned on for a while already, but that doesn't automatically fix the millisecond timing on old runs, it just sets them to 000 for ms.