Unlocks speedrunning mod
This mod may be used in All Unlocks runs to avoid having to manually reset the unlock pads on every attempt. It works by resetting the unlock pad every time a race is loaded: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/554092318286938116/1017778210886397992/Unlock_Reset.bps
To avoid having to reunlock the arenas for normal play, the mod also unlocks every arena when the Rodent Rumble menu is opened.
The file is a BPS patch that is applied to Hamsterball.exe. You can use Floating IPS to apply it: https://dl.smwcentral.net/11474/floating.zip Make sure not to overwrite the original game!
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Livello: Up Race
Livello: Expert Race
Livello: Intermediate Race
Livello: Expert Race