Hard mode / 100%
7 years ago
California, USA

I was just wondering, to my fellow Hammerers, if there was any interest in running Hard Mode / both loops for this game? I've cleared the 2nd loop before in the past, last week I briefly played around trying to do it quickly, but everything having more HP renders it a bit less interesting to run unless there are some strategies I didn't find in my brief session.


I have no interest in running it myself right now, but feel free to do so. I'll create a new category if you do.

Ohio, USA

pip FeelsGoodMan

California, USA

Thanks Pip, while I haven't gone back to Hard Mode yet, I did actually clear a pacifist run today, any chance you could add that as a category? It had three deaths, two on stage four and then a Scuba Steve for good measure, but it's actually not too tough a category for this game so I think I could manage a better run.

Edit: Got a better pacifist run, was still Scuba Steve'd, but shaved off some other mistakes. Time was about 8:06ish, I'll time it more precisely if you wish to add it as a category

Edit edit: Phew, deathless pacifist achieved after staying up an extra hour to grind.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
California, USA

Glad to hear you're still alive Pip, thanks for giving my weird category a chance. I detailed a list of things that are acceptable to kill in the Pacifist Run, in my submission description.

United States

Hey guys! Just found this forum and wanted to say thanks HurricaneMixer for approving my WR improvement so quick!! Pip you're the man man, thanks for pushing me to run hard, this is the most insanely awesome feeling ever. Can't wait to get that sub 19 Kreygasm

California, USA

No problem Shanna, and thanks to your video I was inspired to try the category out for myself, and it's a ton of fun!

Though I will note that I changed the category name to 2-Loops (Hard), because I think that more accurately reflects what the category demands. Is anyone opposed to this change, or have a different idea?

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