Leaderboard update!
Leaderboard update!
Pubblicato 1 month ago di

Howdy hotdog shooters,

I wanted to go ahead and post an announcement to the fact that the leader board(s) has been updated to fit a lot better to the needs of what the game has been updated too.

So what changes have happened?

All take and hold categories have been archived. This is due not wanting to clutter the leader board with multiple different categories when we can mash them into one. That being said, Character, map, and movement type, have all been moved into the Take and Hold - 5 Hold - Spawnlocked category.

If interest peaks, we will add a Non-Spawnlocked category for T&H.

Bullshoot has also been added to the leader board, this is simply just Bullshoot with no real restrictions, other than the rules set. (Nothing insane.)

I hope to see some runs start to come in soon! I will start submitting more of my runs!

More to come hot dog shooters,


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Leaderboard update!

Howdy hotdog shooters,

I wanted to go ahead and post an announcement to the fact that the leader board(s) has been updated to fit a lot better to the needs of what the game has been updated too.

So what changes have happened?

All take and hold categories have been archived. This is due not

1 month ago
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