Asset Glitch glitch hunt thread
10 years ago

big thread to post in regarding new findings with replay-asset related glitches



Dying during the duplicated Backalley brawl can have different effects depending on where you do it.

If you die when the marker is at malibu one marker will still be there when you respawn and you can continue the mission from there.

If you die when you're supposed to kill the chef, a phone will still be there when you come back but the game crashes if you pick it up.

If you die and then go to the RC car/plane mission then they will also crash the game

My game crashes if I die after I've picked up the phone but it might not happen for someone else _

Getting busted/dying while buying an asset will warp you to the asset you bought. But if you got a stacked phonecall then you will sometimes end up at police station/hospital and only warp back after either the ringing of the phone stopped or after you've answered the call and it ends. If you enter a vehicle instead of answering you will warp back to the asset but now the vehicle will come with you. _ I have tried to purchase an asset while doing these mission and the effect will be written next to it. This effects are dependent on how early you press replay, and how far away you jump from might also have an effect to the outcome. If you press replay at a different time you may get a warp on certain mission where I have written crash for example. This is just what I have experienced

1:st L : Crash 2:nd L : This glitch can be seen in the other thread (you can get warp here as well with different jump/replay) 3:rd L: Warp (crash with a different jump/replay) 4:th L: Warp (same glitch as in 2 with a different jump/replay) All Hands on Deck: Warp (crash with a different jump/replay) Death row: Warp First Biker mission: Warp All Love fist Missions: Warp RC Car/plane: Duplication but game crashes after a few seconds

Video of the rampage glitch:

Video example of using the rampage glitch for duping Jury Fury:

Massachusetts, USA

I assume this works for Jury Fury because it flips the duped cars. If that's the case, what's the likelihood of that being a consistent outcome? If it turns out to be consistent, I could see this being interesting for Taxi 2.

Though perhaps not, since the taxis would spawn in different patterns every time and would have no reason to flip.


Then testing is in order. I believe (don't know for sure) that the taxis in Taxi 2 always spawn in the same spot, but then take random routes. It will probably turn into one of those "better than average but slower than god RNG" situations anyway :D for reference:

Massachusetts, USA

Hm, I was always under the impression that it was random spawns, but perhaps not.

Even still though, they're going to drive in random patterns anyways, and it takes time to set up the trick, so the duped taxis wouldn't be spawning on anything that would flip them. Regardless, it's definitely worth testing out though, because who knows what weird nonsense this trick could break with that mission.

They indeed do spawn at the same locations every time. I tested it and it caused the game to softlock one time and crash another.


Oh, I found an infinite ammo trick, abusing rampages.

(from 2:00)

You just get into a rampage, watch a second of F3, press F1, and voila. I tested it on 3 rampages (shotgun on that roof, chainsaw nearby, and the rifle rampage near the mall) and all worked.

Also, a fun little tidbit I got, from testing:

Pac piace questo

I've messed around with BaB some more. First of all it's possible to warp with this mission.

I messed around with 2 Lances in BaB (dying, getting to Lance, picking up the mission and getting to Lance again). Lance from the first time I did the mission was able to trigger the ammunition thing, but wasn't able to finish the mission. Second Lance was able to finish the mission but the game crashed. Second Lance froze but I was able to pick him up by driving the infernus towards him to pick him up.

Also I got glitched lines:

Taking first Lance to ammunation triggered the hotel blip, but it didn't do anything when I got there, though it did load the lines when I picked up second Lance

Warping back from AHOD works with PP and the nearby safehouse, you get warped with the boat


After more testing, I think that the infinite ammo trick from rampages only works, if you have a replay from another save. You don't have to die in it, you just need to load a game, make a replay, save it, then start a new game, and you can glitch the rampages again.


Ah lismati, I accidentally activated that glitch three times during a rampage% race yesterday (to my anger because it fails the rampage). I tried to duplicate it but to no avail. Interesting that a replay from another save is needed.


I've tried to use the asset-rampage glitch then start a mission, wait for the rampage to fail and then do the asset-rampage glitch again but this crashes the game. The strange duplication glitch that happens on BaB can be done on Riot as well

I've made a google doc with the different mssion dupes that I've tried with the rampage glitch:


I found remote rampage glitch. You need saved replay when you walk through rampage.

Also I found partial teleport, it only works in some distance


^That partial teleport could be useful to teleport back to Kaufman Cabs after Taxi 2

Interesting. I assumed the saved replays wouldn't be good for anything, because they didn't work with the asset purchase glitch, but clearly I was mistaken. Definitely has potential.


But a saved replay makes for a NG+ run, doesn't it? I want my find to be useful, but this is obsolete in single segment, right?

Talking to a friend, he devised "soft" and "hard" replays, as for those unsaved and saved ones. I'll toy around with saved replays and phone calls, maybe that will yield some results

Well, the difference is, you can save these replays during your current run. The glitch that fails a rampage and gives you infinite ammo requires a replay from another run, or save file completely.

I tested triggering the rampage with a replay while buying a safe house, and it turns out you get the same rampage glitch that I posted a video of earlier.

E: Tested the saved replay rampage some more, apparently you can run past the rampage marker while on a mission, so you don't actually trigger it then. Once you're no longer on a mission you can watch the replay and pick up the rampage then.

I gathered all of the glitch videos already posted and defined each of them with a basic name, most of the names are pretty obvious but it'll help us avoid calling 4 different things 'asset glitch' :D

if anyone has any suggestions for changes to the document then post here, I don't want to make it public to edit though in case it gets posted around

mamamia1001, Pac, e lismati ti piace questo

I've uploaded this video where I show how I do the remote rampage glitch with the chainsaw rampage. You save a replay at a rampage and activate that replay when entering the mission It's important to note that with this rampage you have to press replay really late into the jump (roughly when Tommy lands) and that other rampages might not work when you press replay this late. I also show what happens when you dupe 6-7 (can't remember how many) Four irons mission and do them at the same time.

mamamia1001 piace questo
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