RNG notes for Easy
RNG notes for Easy
Aggiornato 3 years ago di JohnnyGo

GCM Easy RNG: Memory address for RNG is the two bytes starting at 0x1BE8 (0x1BE8 and 0x1BE9) RNG gets set to 195 when CAPCOM displays, and set to 62 at the start of the first level. After that it uses the RNG calculation.

Links for information on the RNG calculation: https://pastebin.com/k5akiXv5 https://fredyeye.github.io/prng.html

Level 1-1 RNG Changes once when level started (possibly related to enemies nearby on start, although first enemy still changes RNG) Circle enemies with hats change RNG once when they spawn Circle enemies with hats change RNG once when they recover from being hit Fish don't appear to affect RNG Breath bubbles increase RNG once when they spawn Balloons spawning changes RNG three times when they spawn? (may change on pop and spawn but they spawn right away after one pops) Jack in the box changes RNG once between popping out (maybe length of time it stays closed?) Jack in the box changes RNG once shortly after it dies? Juggler Weasel changes RNG when it takes actions (needs more investigation) After Juggler Weasel dies, RNG changes once every 8 frames until you leave the screen

Level 1-2 Monkey doesn't appear to affect RNG Donald popping out of the box changes RNG three times Circle enemies with hats change RNG once when they spawn Circle enemies with hats change RNG once when they recover from being hit Circle enemies with hats don't change RNG when on the trapeze Grabbing or shooting a pink block doesn't change RNG Grabbing a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item Cannon firing appears to change RNG either twice when it shoots an enemy Cannon Ball enemies don't appear to affect RNG Cannon firing appears to change RNG either three times when it shoots a cannon ball

Level 1-3 Grabbing a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a heart Lion changes RNG when it takes actions (needs more investigation) After Lion dies, RNG changes once every 8 frames until level ends

Level 2-1 Green plants don't appear to affect RNG Small hiding Pete enemies with red hats don't appear to affect RNG Grabbing a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item Fish don't appear to affect RNG Breath bubbles increase RNG once when they spawn Turtle Miniboss affects RNG (needs more investigation) After Turtle dies, RNG changes once every 8 frames until you leave the screen

Level 2-2 Snails don't appear to affect RNG Flying Squirrels don't appear to affect RNG Snakes don't appear to affect RNG

Level 2-3 Flying Squirrels don't appear to affect RNG Fish don't appear to affect RNG Breath bubbles increase RNG once when they spawn Gas clouds affect RNG once as they start Gas clouds affect RNG once as they stop Extra Life changes RNG once when it spawns? (it does this in level 4 so I assume it does it here) Grabbing a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item (all four of the blocks in easy have items)

Level 2-4 Gorilla affects RNG (needs more investigation) After Gorilla dies, RNG changes once every 8 frames until level ends

Level 3-1 Nothing changes RNG

Level 3-2 Big Ghosts change RNG once when they spawn Hopping skeletons (drop from big ghosts not holding items) change RNG once when they recover from being hit Grabbing or shooting a pink block doesn't change RNG Grabbing or shooting a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item Falling stair blocks change RNG when they fall (possibly a different amount depending on the one that falls) Wall skeletons don't appear to affect RNG Bouncing yellow balls don't appear to affect RNG Mirror Ghosts affect RNG (needs more investigation)

Level 3-3 Portrait Pete affects RNG (needs more investigation)

  • Laser attack changes RNG three times
  • Laser changes RNG twice
    • Books spawning changes RNG once
    • Fire breath changes RNG twice

Level 3-4 Small ghosts don't appear to change RNG (based on level 6-2) Something does change RNG though (needs more investigation)

Level 3-5 Big Ghosts change RNG once when they spawn Hopping skeletons (drop from big ghosts not holding items) change RNG once when they recover from being hit Candles don't appear to affect RNG

Level 3-6 Grabbing or shooting a pink block doesn't change RNG Grabbing or shooting a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item Bouncing yellow balls don't appear to affect RNG Big Ghosts change RNG once when they spawn Hopping skeletons (drop from big ghosts not holding items) change RNG once when they recover from being hit Candles don't appear to affect RNG Phantom Pete affects RNG (needs more investigation)

  • Spawning in changes RNG once
  • Ghost Attack changes RNG once
  • Movement Attack change RNG once or twice
    • Once if following a ghost attack
    • Twice if as first attack, or following another movement attack

Level 4-1 RNG changes once when level started (possibly related to enemies nearby on start, although first enemy still changes RNG) Crystal bats change RNG by one when they fall (presumably to decide if it's a bat or not) Breath bubbles increase RNG once when they spawn RNG increases once periodically as water rises (every time the glug glug glug sfx plays?) Grabbing or shooting a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item

Level 4-2 Presumably Crystals will change RNG the same was as on screen 4-1 on harder difficulties Jackhammer Weasel changes RNG (needs more investigation)

  • Hammering the floor changes RNG once
  • Changing directions changes RNG once
  • Hammering the wall changes RNG twice After Weasel dies, RNG changes once every 8 frames until the crystal wall breaks

Level 4-3 Green ants change RNG once when they spawn Green ants DO NOT change RNG when they crawl out of the ground Omanytes don't appear to affect RNG Extra Life from Bonus area changes RNG once when it spawns Brontosaurus affects RNG (needs more investigation) After Brontosaurus dies, RNG changes once (one time it changed twice?) every 8 frames until level ends

Level 5-1 RNG changes once when level started (95% sure this is caused by the first icicle enemy spawning at level start since it only changes once) Icicle enemy changes RNG once when they spawn Grabbing or shooting a pink block doesn't change RNG Grabbing or shooting a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item Pink urchins don't appear to affect RNG Breath bubbles increase RNG once when they spawn Water movement periodically changes RNG (seems like once right after the water reaches it's peak) Sled Weasel affects RNG (needs more investigation) After Sled Weasel dies, RNG changes once every 8 frames until screen unlocks? (possibly a bit before the unlock)

Level 5-2 (probably not possible to maintain manip past here due to all the bubbles being spawned) Breath bubbles increase RNG once when they spawn Bubbles spawned by big bubbles change RNG once when they spawn Pink urchins don't appear to affect RNG Grabbing or shooting a pink block doesn't change RNG Grabbing or shooting a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item Jellyfish? (RNG changes so much in this area from all the bubbles spawning that it's basically impossible to tell) Extra Life from Bonus area changes RNG once when it spawns

Level 5-3 Icicle enemy changes RNG once when they spawn Grabbing or shooting a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item Pink urchins don't appear to affect RNG Cloud affects RNG (needs more investigation)

Level 6-1 RNG changes four times when level started (after cutscene before gaining control) Candles don't appear to affect RNG Grabbing or shooting a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item

Level 6-2 Bouncing yellow balls don't appear to affect RNG Small ghosts don't appear to change RNG Grabbing or shooting a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item

Level 6-Juggler Juggler Weasel changes RNG when it takes actions (needs more investigation) After Juggler Weasel dies, RNG changes once every 8 frames until you leave the screen

Level 6-Portrait Portrait Pete affects RNG (needs more investigation)

  • Laser attack changes RNG three times
  • Laser changes RNG twice
    • Books spawning changes RNG once
    • Fire breath changes RNG twice

Level 6-3 Big Ghosts change RNG once when they spawn Hopping skeletons (drop from big ghosts not holding items) change RNG once when they recover from being hit Grabbing or shooting a yellow block changes RNG once if the block doesn't contain a set item Small hiding Pete enemies with red hats don't appear to affect RNG Extra Life from Bonus area changes RNG once when it spawns Cannons change RNG once after each shot

Level 6-4 Sorcerer Pete affects RNG (needs more investigation) Dragon Pete affects RNG (needs more investigation)

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