4 years ago

I just wanted to ask if the any% guide will be completed in the future. If not could someone explain to me how the money glitch works? Cause I can learn the route by just watching the wr but figuring out how the glitch works based on the vod is kinda hard. Thank you for your help


It probably will be. But I'm too lazy to consistently work on it, sorry.

Money glitch is simple, here's a description from the wikia:

If you sell an item to the shop, it is not registered as 'sold' until you touch any place on the screen that is not the item in question.

However for some reason, touching a ship in the shop will not register the item as 'sold'. Touching a ship slot, and then immediately going to the hangar will put the item back in your equipment slot, but also sell the item.

Primary weapons and equipment will disappear from your inventory unless you go back to the shop and touch any item (not a ship, though) to refresh the shop. Refreshing the shop has the duplicated item show up in the shop, or the item count increase. Dismounting the duplicated item before opening the shop and refreshing it by touching any item, causes the duplicated item to disappear from your list. mounting or dismounting, a different item, removes the duplicated itme from your inventory as well as from the shop inventory.

You can sell multiple Secondary Weapons, since they mount as a group. For primary weapons and equipment sell only one at a time, since only the first sold item will be mounted, and the others will disappear. You can repeat the process without undocking, so you can get multiple copies of a weapon or equipment item. You can 'carry' these items across bases: if you sell a 'Raccoon' and then mount it on your ship, you can go to another base, and if you sell a 'Raccoon' again, the count will increase from the previous count.

This will make it possible to gain as much money as you like, since you can sell an item, mount it, and then sell it again, repeating as desired. If using the 'Stealing Gunant's Drill' exploit, for example, you can get to a million credits at the start if the game with 5 cycles of selling and mounting the drill.


Start at a base that has ships for sale.
Leave a slot empty to mount the item.
Sell an item. 

Tap a ship in the shop. 

    (DO NOT PRESS ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE SCREEN BESIDES SHIPS, See the note below for the best way to get to the ships list when trying to duplicate items farther down the list.) 

Tap 'Ship' to go to the hangar and equip only what you just sold. 

Go back to shop and tap any item that's not a ship. 

What you just sold suddenly appears in the shop, and you still have it in your equipment slot. <- here are most of the known glitches. You can also join the discord and ask questions there, it's active and it has a dedicated channel for speedrunning

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