Database - Damage Numbers, Bosses, etc.
Database - Damage Numbers, Bosses, etc.
Aggiornato 1 year ago di CptBrian

[center][small]I'm using Cheat Engine on a Switch emulator to find precise values countless tests. It's a ton of work.[/small] Game Manual [quote][small]Lost saves - I'm done until GnGR drops on Steam, then I'd probably mess with autosplitters & tools too... The best thing you can do for me is probably fund the Steam copy when it's available - I'll thank you here. idk... no promises. It's been a long time since, and nobody really cares about PC or the game anymore lol[/small][/quote][/center]

[section=General] • Treasure Chests have 300 HP [small](Hammer breaks in one hit, Discus/Ball in 2, weaker weapons take 3)[/small]   → Destructible objects are also assigned HP values to deplete them quicker with stronger weapons. • Playthrough count does not directly affect boss HP, but Skull count does (gained after playthroughs). (early tests) • Difficulties affect the HP of some non-boss enemies, but they don't appear to affect boss HP. (early tests) • There may be differences in boss phase patterns between difficulties, but I've only tested Squire for those. • Damage is applied to enemies 2-4 frames before the hit effect, while projectiles are still traveling.  → Let me know if you're certain something is inaccurate.

DPS calculations below assume the enemy is not moving towards or away from Arthur. [section=Standard Weapon Damage] DPS calculations assume both Arthur and the target are stationary. [big]Lance:[/big] 100 — 353 DPS [small](17 frames)[/small]   → Limited to 3 lances on screen [big]Dagger:[/big] 100 — 429 DPS [small](14 frames)[/small]   → Limited to 3 daggers on screen [big]Holy Water:[/big] [small](AKA Torch)[/small]   • Direct Hit: 150 — 529 DPS [small](17 frames)[/small]   • Flames: 100 per hit [small](can hit twice per target, per attack before expiring)[/small] — ~400 DPS roughly [small](~2 flames/sec each hitting twice)[/small]     → 2 Flames can stack in the same place   → Limited to 2 holy waters*(flames count)* on screen [big]Discus:[/big] 100 — 286 DPS [small](21 frames)[/small]   → Limited to 3 discuses on screen [big]Hammer:[/big]   • Direct Hit: 300 — 600 DPS [small](30 frames)[/small]   • Ground Splash: 150 — 290 DPS [small](31 frames)[/small]     → [small]Does not occur if you dealt a Direct Hit[/small]   • Aerial Wave: 150 — 360 DPS [small](25 frames)[/small]     → [small]Does not occur if you dealt a Direct Hit[/small]   → Speed affected by Quickening [small](Magic Spell)[/small] - Only when standing on the ground     → Hammer changes from 600→947 DPS [small](30→19 frames)[/small] [small][+57.9% extra][/small]   → [small]Judging by the speed difference for Aerial Wave, jumps may speed up some hammer attacks; hard to test.[/small] [big]Shield:[/big] 100 — 316 DPS [small](19 frames)[/small]   → Blocks projectiles   → Limited to 2 shields on screen [big]Crossbow:[/big] 100 per arrow (200 for both) — 545 DPS [small](22 frames)[/small]   → Limited to 2 arrows on screen, but you can have 3 if you went from 1→3 [big]Ball:[/big] 150 — 409 DPS [small](22 frames)[/small]   → Limited to 3 balls on screen

[section=Gold Weapon Damage] DPS calculations assume both Arthur and the target are stationary. [big]Lance(G):[/big] 150 — 600 DPS [small](15 frames)[/small] [small][+70%][/small]   → Limited to 3 lances on screen [big]Dagger(G):[/big] 150 — 900 DPS [small](10 frames)[/small] [small][+110%][/small]   → Limited to 4 daggers on screen instead of 3 [big]Holy Water(G):[/big] [small](AKA Torch)[/small]   • Direct Hit: 200 — 750 DPS [small](16 frames)[/small] [small][+41.7%][/small]   • Flames: 100 per hit [small](no change)[/small]     → More area coverage     → 2 Flames can stack in the same place   → Limited to 2 holy waters*(flames count)* on screen [big]Discus(G):[/big] 150 — 529 DPS [small](17 frames)[/small] [small][+85%][/small]   → Pierces all targets   → Limited to 3 discuses on screen [big]Hammer(G):[/big]   • Direct Hit: 400 — 800 DPS [small](30 frames)[/small] [small][+33%][/small]   • Ground Splash: 200 — 387 DPS [small](31 frames)[/small] [small][+33%][/small]     → [small]Does not occur if you dealt a Direct Hit[/small]   • Aerial Wave: 200 — 480 DPS [small](25 frames)[/small] [small][+33%][/small]     → [small]Does not occur if you dealt a Direct Hit[/small]   → Speed affected by Quickening [small](Magic Spell)[/small] - Only when standing on the ground     → Hammer(G) changes from 800→1263 DPS [small](30→19 frames)[/small] [small][+57.9% extra][/small]   → [small]Judging by the speed difference for Aerial Wave, jumps may speed up some hammer attacks; hard to test.[/small] [big]Shield(G):[/big] 100 — 353 DPS [small](17 frames)[/small] [small][+11.7%][/small]   → Slightly increased range   → Blocks projectiles   → Limited to 2 shields on screen [big]Crossbow(G):[/big] 100 per arrow (400 for all 4) — 1091 DPS [small](22 frames)[/small] [small][+100%][/small]   → Shoots 4 arrows instead of 2   → Limited to 4 arrows on screen, but you can have 7 if you went from 3→7 [big]Ball(G):[/big] 200 — 600 DPS [small](20 frames)[/small] [small][+46.7%][/small]   → Limited to 4 balls on screen instead of 3

[section=Magic Spell Damage] [big]ALL:[/big] 100 to non-boss enemies near Arthur while casting all spells, only once regardless of cast duration, and this works separately regarding spells with hit count caps. Unaffected by Tiers or Gold Armor. [big]Thunderstorm 1:[/big] 150 from the 4-directional bolts [big]Thunderstorm 2:[/big] 300 from the 8-directional bolts [big]Thunderstorm 3:[/big] 500 to each enemy (including bosses) on screen [small](no change with Gold Armor)[/small]   → Thunderstorm can only hit each target once per cast, excluding Arthur contact damage.   → Thunderstorm 3 is the only spell capable of hitting bosses. [big]Firewall 1:[/big] 100 per hit [big]Firewall 2:[/big] 200 per hit [big]Emboulden 1:[/big] 200 per hit [big]Emboulden 2:[/big] 250 per hit [big]Doppelgänger:[/big] Each of your clones deal 100% damage, including gold weapons. [big]Quickening:[/big] Increases walk speed, not jumps, and increases attack speed of the Hammer.   → Hammer speed changes from 30 frames to 19     → Standard Hammer changes from 600→947 DPS [small][+57.9%][/small]     → Gold Hammer changes from 800→1263 DPS [small][+57.9%][/small]   → Does not affect other weapons

[section=Cyclops (Zone 1A)] Cyclops has different HP for each phase of his fight, but reuses the same memory address. [big]Phase1:[/big] 1200 HP (this value is not set until the fight actually starts/cutscene ends, meaning you probably can't deal damage during their intro cutscenes) [big]Phase2:[/big] 500 HP (jumps behind trees) [big]Phase3:[/big] 2000 HP [big]Total:[/big] 3700 HP Overkill damage doesn't exist here, so if Phase1 is at 100 HP and you deal 300 damage, Phase2 HP is not reduced by 200.

[section=Shielder (Zone 1B)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 800 HP [big]Phase2:[/big] 2200 HP (head taken off) After Phase2 HP hits 0, Shielder starts charging left + you can immediately begin dealing damage towards Phase3, but you can only bring Phase3's HP down to 700 before the head becomes invulnerable*(can't overkill it below 700 either)*. [big]Phase3:[/big] 1000 HP (head is thrown) Any HP remaining from Phase2 gets added to Phase3's HP after the the head is thrown. May start at 700 HP if you dealt enough damage in Phase2 to make Shielder invulnerable. [big]Total:[/big] 4000 HP

[section=Dragon (Zone 2A)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 1000 HP (auto-scroller) After Phase1 reaches 0 HP, you can continue hitting the Dragon, but it doesn't affect anything. [big]Phase2:[/big] 2400 HP (shrinkage) - Gets faster as it gets shorter. [big]Phase3:[/big] 1000 HP (just the tip) Any HP remaining from Phase1 gets added to Phase3 HP, not Phase2. [big]Total:[/big] 4400 HP

[section=Cerberus (Zone 2B)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 600 HP [big]Phase2:[/big] 1600 HP for each individual lion. - When 1 is killed, it triggers the other 2 to jump away and restore their HP to 1600 afterwards, but if you're very quick you can kill another before it gets away, which skips the invincible roar you see after killing only 1 - Planning this is tricky. Killing all 3 simultaneously doesn't do anything unusual. When 2 die, the 3rd grows for Phase3. [big]Phase3:[/big] 2000 HP for final big lion - Damage inflicted to this lion during Phase2 doesn't carry over. [big]Total:[/big] 5800 HP (excluding 3rd lion in Phase2) • There's no kind of damage sharing mechanic during Phase2. Each lion's health is isolated. • It does not matter which lion you leave for Phase3, they're always 2000 HP. • 7 Separate entities/addresses are used for this boss. Cerberus & the two sizes for each individual lion.

[section=Satan (Zone 3)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 5000 HP (only 1 Phase)

[section=Beelzebub (Zone 4)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 1500 HP [big]Phase2:[/big] 2200 HP (maggots) [big]Phase3:[/big] 2000 HP (shrunk) [big]Total:[/big] 5700 HP - [small]Nothing interesting here besides each phase being a separate entity/address.[/small]

[section=Astaroth (Zone 5)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 1400 HP - Overkill damage works here. (extra damage from your phase-ending hit contributes to the next phase) [big]Phase2:[/big] 2100 HP (2nd face & charges) [big]Phase3:[/big] 3500 HP (flying, collapsed floor & flame twisters) [big]Total:[/big] 7000 HP - All phases share the same 7K HP pool, but phases still change at these intervals. [small]The phases are technically [1395-2100-3505], but you can't deal such precise damage values for it to matter.[/small]

[section=Lucifer (Zone 5)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 1400 HP - Overkill damage works here. (extra damage from your phase-ending hit contributes to the next phase) [big]Phase2:[/big] 5600 HP (unrested) [big]Total:[/big] 7000 HP - Both phases share the same 7K HP pool, but the phase still changes at this interval. [small]The phases are technically [1395-5605], but you can't deal such precise damage values for it to matter.[/small]

[section=Shadow Cyclops (Zone 1A-S)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 1400 HP [big]Phase2:[/big] 600 HP (jumps behind trees) [big]Phase3:[/big] 2200 HP [big]Total:[/big] 4200 HP Additional HP compared to the non-shadow phases: [200-100-200] (Total 500)

[section=Shadow Shielder (Zone 1B-S)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 900 HP [big]Phase2:[/big] 2500 HP (head taken off) After Phase2 HP hits 0, Shielder starts charging left + you can immediately begin dealing damage towards Phase3, but you can only bring Phase3's HP down to 700 before the head becomes invulnerable*(can't overkill it below 700 either)*. [big]Phase3:[/big] 1100 HP (head is thrown) Any HP remaining from Phase2 gets added to Phase3's HP after the the head is thrown. May start at 700 HP if you dealt enough damage in Phase2 to make Shielder invulnerable. [big]Total:[/big] 4500 HP Additional HP compared to the non-shadow phases: [100-300-100] (Total 500)

[section=Shadow Dragon (Zone 2A-S)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 1100 HP (auto-scroller) After Phase1 reaches 0 HP, you can continue hitting the Dragon, but it doesn't affect anything. [big]Phase2:[/big] 2700 HP (shrinkage) [big]Phase3:[/big] 1100 HP (just the tip) Any HP remaining from Phase1 gets added to Phase3 HP, not Phase2. [big]Total:[/big] 4900 HP Additional HP compared to the non-shadow phases: [100-300-100] (Total 500)

[section=Shadow Cerberus (Zone 2B-S)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 700 HP [big]Phase2:[/big] 1800 HP for each individual lion. - When 1 is killed, it triggers the other 2 to jump away and restore/set their HP to 1600[small](oversight)[/small] afterwards, but if you're very quick you can kill another before it gets away, which skips the invincible roar you see after killing only 1 - Planning this is tricky. Killing all 3 simultaneously doesn't do anything unusual. When 2 die, the 3rd grows for Phase3. [big]Phase3:[/big] 2200 HP for final big lion - Damage inflicted to this lion during Phase2 doesn't carry over. [big]Total:[/big] 6300-6500 HP (excluding 3rd lion in Phase2 & depending on double kill or regen) • There's no kind of damage sharing mechanic during Phase2. Each lion's health is isolated. • If the 2nd lion jumps away to regenerate on Phase2, its HP can lower to 1600 from 1800, since the 1600 value is forcibly set* (they probably forgot to change 1600 to 1800 for this)*. • It does not matter which lion you leave for Phase3, they're always 2200 HP. Additional HP compared to the non-shadow phases: [100-200(x2)-200] (Total 700, or 500 without double kill)

[section=Shadow Satan (Zone 3-S)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 5500 HP (only 1 Phase) Additional HP compared to the non-shadow version: [500]

[section=Shadow Beelzebub (Zone 4-S)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 1700 HP [big]Phase2:[/big] 2500 HP (maggots) [big]Phase3:[/big] 2200 HP (shrunk) [big]Total:[/big] 6400 HP - [small]Nothing interesting here besides each phase being a separate entity/address.[/small] Additional HP compared to the non-shadow phases: [200-300-200] (Total 700)

[section=Shadow Astaroth (Zone 5-S)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 1550 HP - Overkill damage works here. (extra damage from your phase-ending hit contributes to the next phase) [big]Phase2:[/big] 2300 HP (2nd face & charges) [big]Phase3:[/big] 3850 HP (flying, collapsed floor & flame twisters) [big]Total:[/big] 7700 HP - All phases share the same 7K HP pool, but phases still change at these intervals. [small]The phases are technically [1535-2310-3855], but you can't deal such precise damage values for it to matter.[/small] Additional HP compared to the non-shadow phases: [150-200-350] effectively, but technically: [135-210-355] (Total 700)

[section=Shadow Lucifer (Zone 5-S)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 1550 HP - Overkill damage works here. (extra damage from your phase-ending hit contributes to the next phase) [big]Phase2:[/big] 6150 HP (unrested) [big]Total:[/big] 7700 HP - Both phases share the same 7K HP pool, but the phase still changes at this interval. [small]The phases are technically [1535-6165], but you can't deal such precise damage values for it to matter.[/small] Additional HP compared to the non-shadow phases: [150-550] effectively, but technically: [140-560] (Total 700)

[section=Hades (True Ending)] [big]Phase1:[/big] 1800 HP - There's no invulnerability phase transitions, but Hades can be staggered* (invulnerable)*. [big]Phase2:[/big] 4400 HP - Lightning attacks begin. [big]Phase3:[/big] 2600 HP - Body begins flashing, but no known pattern change. [big]Total:[/big] 8800 HP - All phases share the same 8K HP pool, but phases still change at these intervals. [small]The phases are technically [1755-4400-2645], but you can't deal such precise damage values for it to matter.[/small]

[section=Skulls] • Skulls appear next to your individual stage completion count, which is not the same thing. • Skull count doesn't seem to update until you've finished another playthrough.   → I didn't get my 2nd skull until Playthrough 4 immediately after the True Ending, and not on all stages. Conditions unknown. • I'm fairly sure 1 skull does not affect boss HP, but 2+ does. It probably affects some non-boss HP too • Not sure what else skull count affects. I don't plan on playing much more.   → [small]Not confirmed, but Skull2 may have affected the raft pattern on 1A-S. It moves right 3x instead of 2x.[/small]

Example of how boss HP is effected: [big]Skull2 Shadow Cyclops HP:[/big] [1700-900-2600] (Total 5200) Additional HP compared to Skull1 shadow phases: [300-300-400] (Total 1000) Additional HP compared to Skull1 non-shadow phases: [500-400-600] (Total 1500) There's definitely a pattern with the values.   → Reminder that Skull1 should have the same boss HP as no skulls. One more: [big]Skull2 Non-Shadow Cerberus HP:[/big] [800-1800(x2)-2400] (Total 6800) Additional HP compared to Skull1 shadow phases: [100-0-200] (Total 300) Additional HP compared to Skull1 non-shadow phases: [200-200-400] (Total 800) • The Phase2 regeneration mechanic also sets the buffed value properly, unlike Skull1 Shadow Cerberus.

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