Working on damage, increased damage, muscle power effects, etc. For each character
3 years ago
United States

So far, ive uncovered where "damage taken" is in the games memory. This can be used to map out the damage numbers for each attack for each character, as well as determining the exact low health and muscle power effects.

There is a problem i cant seem to figure out though. Occasionally your attack will deal 2-3x less damage. I tried to recreate with another controller but it wasnt occuring. Which makes me suspect that when a fighter is actively dashing/blocking, attacks have a chance to deal 2-3x less damage (with exception of special attacks). I will need to figure out how this works exactly.

Will also ofc map out every attack thats effected by concrete and such, including special attacks.

Edit: "Damage reduction" is 100% random chance. Its likelyhood scales based on the difficulty. On easy difficulty, its rare. On normal difficulty, its normal. On hard difficulty, its common. Damage reduction does not exist on 2 player.

  • Some moves dont have damage reduction
  • Damage reduction cannot induce a knockout (knockout meter stays at 239/240)
  • Damage reduction does not reduce fires gained
  • Some moves have a higher chance of damage reduction than others
Modificato da l'autore 2 years ago
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