Yo, could you add an IL leaderboard? There is currently no way of submitting IL time with emu os that would be great.
28 days ago

F zero central kinda buggy too.

California, USA

We aren't looking to add IL leaderboards to src, we'd rather not split the IL leaderboards. If anything, you might have more luck trying to rally another conversation for whether emulator should be allowed on FZC, which tends to come up again every 1-2 years without a definitive conclusion or much action being taken. You're better off looking to have that discussion in the FZN discord rather than here though.

I do agree FZC is a bit buggy; it was subject to a cyberattack a couple years ago and adjustments made to the site to fix the vulnerabilities left it in a less-than-ideal state unfortunately. I'm not involved with site development though, so I don't have much for specifics.