Improved Moderator Tools and a Board Management Question
1 year ago
Virginia, USA

A while ago SRC sent out a google form for moderators to apply for a beta version of moderator tools to allow for enhanced category and subcategory management tools.

I unfortunately don't seem to have the link to the form anymore but I was wondering what ever happened to this and can we still expect it?

Additionally, do moderators have the ability to selectively apply which categories go to which Individual levels in clusters? The way the current setup shows, it heavily implies that which categories apply to which ILs can be easily micro managed, e.g "Levels: All" or when clicking on a category it shows all the individual categories that can be submitted to under that level.

For context, I moderate a game that allows only select levels to be played cooperatively, but all to be solo played, and am interested in removing the solo only levels from the coop list.


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