Linking Discord/Wiki on game page?
7 years ago

Recently I've seen that the Discord and the Wiki were linked on the Yoshi's Island site:

I would like to know if a mod is able to add that or if someone with a higher rank would have to do it. I would love to add the Discord and Wiki to all 3 games of the Gex series:

California, USA

If you are a mod I believe you should be able to add it.

European Union

might be one of these custom things some leaderboards have.


Are there any site mods/admins who can answer my question?

United States

It might be hard-coded for that board, which is not ideal. I haven't seen it on other boards.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
HowDenKing piace questo

Confirmed hardcoded! I'm planning to make them settable for every game.

Also sorry about the lack of activity lately, a few people have e-mailed some requests which I'll get to shortly :)

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, Oh_my_gourdness e 9 Altri ti piace questo

Awesome! Thanks for the answer Pac and the others! :)


Any update on this? :)

United States

Let's be honest, barely anyone actually notices the resources and guides page. You're more likely to get something noticed by posting it in the forums.

Modificato da l'autore 7 years ago
Bogdan_mk, Daravae e 4 Altri ti piace questo
Montana, USA

I think it depends on what you're on the game's page for. If you're interested in running a game, and not just there to look at the scores, then chances are you'll click the guides and resources page alike. Unless you don't like free knowledge, that is.


Any update on this now? Would still love this to get implemented for every game as an option.


@BillyClem98 Indeed it is. But I honestly really want this to get implemented and I will post here next year again if it still isn't then ;) PS: Had to google what necroing means.

Modificato da l'autore 6 years ago
European Union

anything "necro" refers to doing anything related to dead things. threads that are this old are usually considered dead (not to mistake it with the topic being dead, we all would still love that feature and it's already half-implemented, thanks for that @ROMaster2 btw.)

you could've just opened another thread, referenced this one and it would've been a-okay (I guess?).

United States

Uh, why bother making a new thread when the topic is still ongoing?

Bogdan_mk, Tigame, e KomradeKontroll ti piace questo
European Union

because necro >_> this specific thread has been dead for quite a while.

United States

But it was never fixed. Why have two threads with the exact same topic?

Tigame piace questo
Île-de-France, France

Hey i was actually wondering the same thing, it would be very nice to have it under the game like for our profile picture, a little icon for discord or whatever needed in your opinion. Any news about adding this feature ?

Thanks a lot :)

Île-de-France, France

hope that will be soon :) Thanks for the information.

Île-de-France, France

It's available ♥

Tigame piace questo