Are more detailed filters on the streams page coming back?
4 years ago
Lancashire, England

I quite liked being able to filter by each video game, and not just games I follow. The main reason I'm asking is because if it's not already being planned, I wanted to have a go at doing it myself for practice sake.


I don't know what exactly is planned for the stream page specifically, but what I can say is that the filter system in general had a lot of issues and that's why we removed it from basically everything (the only thing that still has it is the audit log, because that needs it). At some point in the future we'll likely revisit that system and resolve the issues with it, at which point we can consider bringing it back to the streams page and other places.

That said, I can't comment on when any of this may actually happen. There's a pretty huge backlog of bug fixes, improvements, new features, etc that all really need to happen.

Modificato da l'autore 4 years ago
6oliath piace questo
Lancashire, England

Oh I see. I think it's a little beyond me anyway, a lot of things I've practised on were static and front-end and it looks like this website requires knowing a lot about navigating Ajax. If it's buggy from the back-end anyway I'll probably leave that idea alone, lol.