Happy Chick Or gba4ios allowed?
7 years ago
Maine, USA

For some games (mainly Pokemon) I want to do speed runs on the happy chick emulator. This is because that is the main emulator I use and I’m,just wondering if I’m allowed to speed run on them. I also gba4ios sometimes.


For Pokémon those are probably not allowed. Pokémon uses a special version of Gambatte for the most precision and accuracy.

I’ve actually never even heard of those emulators so I’d wager that not many games allow them. You’re better off asking the mods of the game(s) for what emulators are allowed.

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Any/All, He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
6 years ago

Usually emulators aren’t allowed in the same main speedrunning category as a non-emulator run. It might be allowed in a different category but I don’t know. I doubt too many games will put in a whole seperate category just for emulators.


[quote=Red5rainbow]Usually emulators aren’t allowed in the same main speedrunning category as a non-emulator run. It might be allowed in a different category but I don’t know. I doubt too many games will put in a whole seperate category just for emulators.[/quote] This is just not true at all. Emulators are allowed for just about every major console pre N64/PS2/GC era because they are quite accurate to real hardware and there aren’t any category splits. Sometimes, like with N64, emulator is still allowed and not split out for some games but only until a certain time is met (other games like SM64 split it out).

Any emulators for newer consoles are usually banned for being very inaccurate or will in rare cases get their own category if the community wants it enough.

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