I'm new to SR, and speedrunning in general, but finally decided to try it out after having been curious for a long time (Thanks, GDQ). Currently practicing Earthbound Any% Glitchless (still learning, so no official time yet), and streaming the hilarity over on Mixer.
I know mostly everyone's on Twitch, but I've also been contemplating trying to build a community on Discord for Mixer runners, as I stream over there. Outside of SRL, it might be a fun way to utilize Mixer's FTL and costreaming services if we get into races of any kind.
Again, hello! Hopefully I get a time up soon.
Welcome to the community!! I wish you the best of luck on your runs!! :)
And oooooh, Earthbound. I've actually been wanting to get into running that game. :D
Good luck! Don't let your dog run over your keyboard!