New Glitch/Timesave in Midnight Motorist: Car Smuggling
1 day ago
California, USA

When going for the Lorekeeper ending, you have to beat the Midnight Motorist secret.

Before reaching the house, your character gets out of the car. At that point, by shifting slightly left and right, you can smuggle the car past the trigger and drive (which is much faster) to the house. It maybe saves two seconds if executed perfectly.

Side Effect: After you get to the house, mustard man never spawns and you do the house section invisible.

Potential Expansion: You also can use this to have the textbox from the guy at Juniors on the screen while still driving around in the car, but when you get to the required car exit later, the character cannot move and you can't move until you dismiss the textbox. If there's some other way to smuggle the car to the house, I'm curious what would happen if you smuggle the Juniors textbox all the way to the house.

Chicago, IL, USA

Can you provide video proof of this? Cool find btw if this is true

California, USA

No, because my crappy laptop can't handle OBS. Also, can't seem to open Snipping Tool while the game is running. Just did the glitch again, though, and it isn't hard. Should be easy enough to check yourself.

California, USA

There does seem to be an RNG element to the glitch, though. I think it's a 50/50 based on where the script is whether the car shifts slightly left when you get out, so it sometimes takes a second to smuggle the car if it isn't cooperating.