Well, it was fun tearing this run apart and finding some neat tech. Here's what I found:
1.) While going to the exit door on minigame 5 is more consistent, going to the crying child has a chance to be faster if you get the right room rotation. 2.) Pressing "Down Arrow" on the extras menu will bring you to the minigame screen.
Also, the time on the in-video timer is incorrect. I went through and frame-counted the run, and that's how I got the new time.
MOD EDIT: enjoy world record for 5 seconds moon man
Hey everyone! Let it be known, I've stayed up a bit later than usual tonight just to post this announcement at the right time, since by the moment you're reading this- it's officially been a decade since FNAF 3 was released to the public! It's a giant chunk of time to think about, and even though I