Problem with FF VIII boosters%
I wanted to speedrun FFVIII boosters%, but when I tried to use the booster F1, F2, F3 etc these didn't work.
Any idea of why?
I can use the booters on FF IX without any problem :/
Thanks you :)
Hi Teawiththanatos, there only two possible reasons why your boost doesn't work. I remember that the cracked version by iNLAWS had the booster function disabled. Other reason could be your keyboard... did you bought the game?
Cutscene Remover Break added
Hey everyone!
We're very happy to announce the addition of a 5 minute break to the FF8 2013 CSR. There is also a new version of the Autosplitter for the 2013 PC version.
You can find the new versions of the CSR (1.31 for French and 1.2 for English) with the same links as before.
The Autosplitter
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