Steam version
7 years ago
Illinois, USA

Is the Steam version of Final Fantasy V not allowed? Or is it just considered to be the same as the GBA version of FFV?

United Kingdom

As far as I know, nobody has done a run on the PC version. It would most likely get its own category.

Try contacting one of the leaderboard moderators if you need the category added

Maine, USA

I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed even in its own category. There are features which would set it apart from the other versions (I'm looking at you, Auto-Battle), and being able to dash in the overworld even with vehicles would make it a different experience altogether. I myself have considered running this version, even though some of the glitches from the original were patched out.

I also noticed that battle speed actually does affect your own ATB unlike in the original (iirc). I think there is more dialog to make this version longer though, but it should balance with the added features.


I'd be for having a Steam any% category. I'm aiming for speedrun all the main titles and 5 will probably happen sooner rather than later.


Well I guess the answer was later...much later. A year on I'd like to try and attempt a FF5 speedrun but I really only have the means to run Steam and EMU and Steam is probably the most straight forward to play as it's already set up.

Since there are no rules in place it would be worthwhile to know what the rules are before even attempting a competitive run. If Steam is a no go then perhaps a recommendation on which category would be the next best thing?

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