1-3 and 1-4 found
2 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I just got to 1-3 by clipping through the wall that blocks the pipe, and got to the 1-2 flagpole in super mr. krabs, using a TAS, so wapless is now possible? please add Wapless in cuz its now possible

South Carolina, USA

To be fair, it's been known that 1-3 and 1-4 are still in Super Mr. Krabs, it's just that I doubt if anyone wants to run Warpless since you would have to do TAS clip as Big Krabs just to even play the category, and the All Levels category is more interesting as-is because you have to play 2-1 through 7-4 in second quest.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

no i mean i did it as small krabs in a tas

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