9 years ago
United States

Ive been wanting to possibly route or fly thru a 100% (as many missions as possible) run. But theres no category for it? If I do this, How would i go about posting it?

United Kingdom

I've added a 100% category for you, So enjoy and Good Luck!

United Kingdom

yeah that's a good point should have thought about that first xD

Czech Republic

Is it even possible to do all quests in F1? I mean, I recall you have to choose a side in Junktown, thus the other side can't be completed.

United States

Yeah Im thinkin an all quests/as many quests as possible for a 100% type of deal, and youd have to side with killian to do as many as possible in junktown. Yeah working on a run, if i can get it going haha. Thank you guys

United States

Alright so for an "all quests" run, i was thinking either do it as i said before, or by doing all quests, including blocked off quests in this way: I do the quest in question, and then simply reload without saving and do the other missions that would block off the unsaved mission. What do you guys think?

United States

OH! one more thing: is the child patch allowed? Cuz im using that with my steam version. Granted, without kids itd make AQ slightly faster.

United States

And one lase thingL should lorri's upgrades be counted as a mission? im using the fallout wiki as a guide for all missions, and it lists it as a quest. I dont think it should as you only gain a stat per operation, and if you start with 10 in a stat you cant get the operation. Also no XP is earned or even any message is given.

Czech Republic

Child patch is ok, upgrades shouldn't be counted imho.


Heya !

I'm very interested in a 100% run of Fallout. I've considered it myself many times without the ability or the time to really work on it. I know pretty much everything about this game so I guess I can help you for the route.

So, you are doing a "All quest" run ? What is your current quest list ? Are you only considering "marked" quests (in the pip-boy) or do you want to include some of the "unmarked" quest as well ?

I guess we have to start with some sort of segmented run first. And I'll be glad to help. What are your current plans ?


Hello again.

Here is a google sheet for sharing comments or suggestions regarding the possible route :


I only put marked quests, I guess that's the easiest option for a first attempt. Everything on this document is open to discussion.

Current idea for a global route is :

1 = Mariposa - destroy 2 = Shady sands (stop radscorpions) 3 = Raiders (rescue tandy) 3 = back to vault 13 (water thief, rebel faction if necessary) 4 = Junktown (rescue sinthia, bust skulz, kill gizmo) 5 = Hub (missing caravans, kill hightower, necklace, jain, help irwin, rescue initiate) 6 = Necropolis (kill mutants, repair pump, get chip) 7 = Glow (get ancient item, turn on power) 8 = Brotherhood (become initiate, fix broken armor) 9 = Boneyard (fix farms, exterminate deathclaws, get weapons, free adytum) 10 = Cathedral - destroy


I hope that will help you. Good luck for this run :p

Aaroneous piace questo

Hello ?

No reaction ? No comment ?

Anyone interested ?

United Kingdom

i can see where you're coming from, might need a few runs to see how well it works

Virginia, USA

I'm not sure if this is where to post suggestions for a route, but I suggest anything to do with the cathedral should be done first, for several reasons:

  1. Tesla Armor and Power Fist
  2. We can warp from Necropolis to Mariposa, so I think Necropolis should come second to last objectives.

Im also thinking we should at least try to make the quests canon, so I'm thinking, for example, the conflict with rescue tandi should be resolved as, make it canon, i.e. do not join the khans. besides, canon also has it that the khan clan gets destroyed.

This is all looking like a super fancy very time consuming All Good Endings......

I like it.

I'll look more into this in the coming days.

Pomorskie, Poland

I would suggest doing only the marked quests, no child patch and only the maximun amount of possible quests on one playthrough. Making some quests and then reloading to make different ones feels weird.

Virginia, USA

Scratch what I said about the path, didn't realize we had to kill the mutants, so we cant warp.

Im with fexen on this, reloading at certain points just to do quests that conflict is silly. Also, what do you mean by no child patch?

Pomorskie, Poland

I think hugphoenix was talking about unofficial patch that adds npc in Boneyard that allows you to get the good ending for Followers of the Apocalypse. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Heather_(Fallout) Since it is unofficial and slower, I would suggest not to use that patch.

As for the explosives needed for blowing the entrance wall for Radscorpions, you have c4 on the left locker near Lieutenant, you don't need to get robes at the Military Base or the right locker with dynamite.

In Junktown, you have to first report to Killian with the Gizmo's confession and kill him later. I think it is fastest if you talk to Lars to set up the fight, he also leaves you at the Junktown's entrance afterwards.

It is possible to make Master arm the nuke himself if you tell him that supermutants are not able to reproduce. You have to get the holotape from Glow and get to Brotherhood of Steel first.

Virginia, USA

Update(for those who aren't on discord):

-I've routed roughly half of the path, then found a HUGE error while routing, but said error is being fixed atm, and should be able to link up easily to my progress I had before noticing the error

-It turns out you can both join the khans and rescue tandi, but it you must do it in said order

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤And we really should look at all the quests and have a conversation as to if we're missing anything or if anything currently in Okahey's spreadsheet isn't needed, example being that some unmarked quests are on the spreadsheet, while others arent¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Virginia, USA

Another update(for those who aren't on discord):

I'm close to finishing up routing, and it seems the consensus on discord is to do as many quests as possible, not just marked quests. This means all the quests in italics that aren't cut content or redundant(see below) will be included.

Its still up in the air as to if the quests that gain companions should be included in the run or not, so if anyone here prefers yes companion quests or not, please let me know and the consensus for that will be decided.

Redundant Quests: -Ask Water Merchant To Help -Guard the caravans -Recieve your weekly issue(although the player may use this if they choose) -Dr. Lorries surgeries(although the player may use this if they choose)

Companion Quests: -Recruit Ian -Solve Phil's Canine Conumdrum -Recruit Tycho -Recruit Katja

Clashing Quests(quests that interfere with one another): -Join Khans vs. Free the Slaves(player may choose which to do) -Stop Gizmo vs. Kill Killian(players choice, if opt to kill killian, make sure you get gizmos confession first) -Bust the Skulz vs. Kill Neal(the whole town will go hostile if you kill neal, making both impossible to do, so its up to the player to choose which to do)


Hi! I'm a lil' behind on the info, could you give me any information on the Discord thing? Don't quite get it. Would like to stick close to the topic, the makers, the mods, the verifiers and so on, so if that's an idea of contact, could go for it : )

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