5 years ago
Saskatchewan, Canada

I'm not sure the use of milliseconds in full-game timing is warranted here. I don't see why a run this long and unoptimized needs to be specified with milliseconds. I think just using plain seconds and maybe specifying milliseconds in case of a tie of top runners (similar to how the Super Mario Odyssey leaderboard is laid out.) In my opinion, the milliseconds make the leaderboard look bad. Thoughts?

Modificato da l'autore 5 years ago

Yeah I agree, with runs this long I agree that miliseconds just look weird.

But I like to be honest with filing the records, so if any submitted run video has a timer that keeps track of miliseconds, I'm including the miliseconds on the recorded run time for transparency. If there's no timer in the run video, I'll just base it off the video timestamps, because when that happens I won't be able to account for miliseconds unless I download the video and find the exact run time in a video editor, which... yeah, definitely not going to that much trouble unless there's a tie.

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