Any Fight - Sub 26.0
4 years ago
Texas, USA

Is a sub 26s possible on this? It's 10s from start of the fight until you take control. It's 13 seconds from knockdown to hand raise. I have 111 attempts on this run, and IDK if it's productive to keep grinding or to move on to a different Cat. Any thoughts??

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I don't know, but it would be fun to see some TAS action for this.

On your WR I think some tenths of a seconds can be saved on the first hit, but I don't know if you be able to reach sub 26.

MicahLuv piace questo

I made a new PB for "Any Fight", and i think that was a flawless run, because there isn't any time loss that i can notice. I think that sub 26 is impossible, maybe a TAS can make something like a 0:25:900, you know, with perfect synchronization of the hits, but otherwise i think it would be very hard to achieve.

MicahLuv piace questo

Most likely yes, it will be difficult to beat. almost impossible I would even say.

Great run, Man !!!

MicahLuv piace questo
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