[DISSCUSSION] Accessibility and Segmented Runs Submit-able?
2 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Main Topics;

Submit-able segmented runs for Drakengard 2 being allowed.

Secondary Topics;

Breaks being permitted in single session submissions.

This post for the Discussion will be updated to reflect any and all points given. You do not have to be an active runner to have a voice here, everyone is welcome. The goal is to make running DoD2 easier and more enjoyable for anyone who wishes to.

Primary discussion for the community is being discussed within our discord in the Drakengard 2 run_talk channel, any and all discussion here is relevant but will be easier to communicate and and relay from primary to secondary. You do not have to join the discord if you do not want to. I will do my best to also communicate and update here as things evolve.

DrakeNieR Speedrunning Discord: http://sponsoredbydrakengard.com/

Please keep all conversation civil and an open mind to all viewpoints.

Modificato da l'autore 2 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Several interested runners within the community have suggested allowing breaks during attempts as well, so this was added as a secondary topic for now.

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