UV/UV+ Tyson?
10 months ago
Iowa, USA

I dunno, I was thinking that it is necessary, it’s the only category from DSDA that we don’t have and can do. Even though nobody will play it, it still does feel a little missing.


California, USA

We never added it because there was no demand for it, and as far as I can tell there still isn't. We considered it a meme category and scrapped the idea.

Iowa, USA

Rip UV Tyson I guess

Florida, USA

Gotta agree with MissRaven here. The leaderboard is bloated as is and most of it goes untouched.

I floated the idea of Tyson (and a few other interesting categories, such as UV Reality!) a few years ago, but there really wasn’t any demand for it. Heck, some of the categories that are already on the board are meme categories that should never have been added (looking at you, NM-Pacifist), and I think people have lost demand for new categories.

California, USA

Lmao NM pacifist isn't THAAAAT much of a meme category. It's quite difficult lol but yes, the leaderboard is already cluttered with crap as it is. Best not to make it worse.

Modificato da l'autore 10 months ago
Iowa, USA

To be fair the UV+ categories are kind of joke categories too

California, USA

No they're not? UV+ is a legit difficulty selection in game. Why would we not have a category for it when all others do?

Iowa, USA

Well yeah, it’s a real difficulty, but nobody runs it

California, USA

It may not always be active but it is ran. There have been many uv+max runs done.

California, USA

The goal for this board was/is not intended to be a mirror of DSDA. We are a separate community entirely and can have things honestly however we want. We chose to not add it in because it will add clutter/hardly anyone will run it. That as far as I can tell, hasn't really changed. There's still no demand for it.

Modificato da l'autore 7 months ago
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Sigil II Leaderboards now open!

Hey all you Doomers! What a joy it has been this month to have 2 add-ons added to the game! This time around we've got Sigil II made by the man himself, John Romero!

What's new on the leaderboard? ![](

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