No-Hit runs
3 years ago
Indiana, USA

Can we get some variety in the leaderboards? I think implementing a "No-Hit" category would be pretty interesting. Theres a certain level up skill required but also a lot of in-game knowledge needed to even pull it off. Obviously some levels couldn't be done, but I think keeping it to a minimum of a No-Hit Warp run would be safe.

Texas, USA

If there's enough interest from the community for it. Generally, I don't like to add things for only one request, as that's taking away from my time on a potentially empty board. I have been considering removing the "All Campaigns" category from the board for this reason, because it only has my terrible run on it so far.

You don't need a leaderboard for it though. If it's an idea you want to pursue, then do it and maybe others will take interest and want an official category for it.

Tennessee, USA

I'd be interested in a no dmg catagory one day. Hopefully others will get interested so it can be created.

New York, USA

Yeah, that would be a cool category.

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